Panzer General (pg_man.pdf.7z)

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A great game !
Nostalgy, when you catch us !

Yes,it is the best.But i need more pach :P

The absolute best, even now.

Say what you will about RTS being better than turn-based--Panzer General (and the rest of the Five Star series from SSI) was the best of the best of the best wargames. Between Panzer General and its sequel PG2, I have burned off countless hours in front of the PC, slugging away at the enemy's front lines...taking and holding key objectives...Just thinking about it has me wishing I had the original again!

Panzer general and Allied general are by no doubt the BEST strategy games out there even tho they were releases almost 10 years ago!
Dirk Wouters:
Panzer General is one of the best games ever! I have been playing PG since 1995 and it's still one of my favorites. Panzer General II is also great, but the original game remaines the best. So if you like a realistic strategy game, you should download this game.
