
_TimeQuest: Mission Briefing Papers_

original docs by Wolfgang, scanned by Underdogs
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Mission Briefing Papers

Interkron will only map to timeplaces visited by Lt. Vettenmyer. Arrival time will be sequenced to one minute after his departure. Timestream will freeze at departure time of Interkron unit and re-commence at that time setting upon Interkron's return. Language unit will submit translations subliminally. Self-repair unit predicted to maintain operational status for majority of critical mission tasks.

Analysis of Lt. Z. S. Vettenmyer Interkron memory unit:
	Ten major historical events altered.
	At least 35 other historical interferences or incursions.

Background Information:
Two days ago, an empty interkron registered to Lieutenant Zeke S. Vettenmyer materialized at Temporal Corps headquarters. The time machine contained only a note that read, "Beware the Ides of March."

Intel-Ops has analyzed the memory banks of the machine and determined that it was used for unauthorized incursions into the past. The data indicates that Vettenmyer has altered 10 critical historical events, and that he has established a base of operations somewhere in the past.

It is clear that Vettenmyer is trying to destroy civilization. However, psychiatric evaluation suggests that he returned the interkron and the note because he subconsciously desires to be caught.

Operational Summary:
You are ordered to investigate all the timeplaces to which Vettenmyer traveled, although you may not find evidence of interference in all of them. During each time jump, you will receive subliminal instruction that will enable you to speak the local language at your destination. Where history has been altered, it is your mission to repair the timestream.

Equipment Summary:
Vettenmyer's interkron has been reprogrammed to travel only to those timeplaces which he visited. In each timeplace the interkron will materialize seconds after Vettenmyer last left. On subsequent trips to the same location, it will materialize seconds after _you_ last left. 

In the event of equipment failure, consult the Interkron trouble-shooting guide for repair procedures. [Underdogs note: this is the copy protection scheme which you won't need because the game can be cracked with Rawcopy ;) ]

44 B.C. Rome

Critical Event:
Julius Caesar was stabbed and killed on the Ides of March. After his death, the conspirators in the assassination plot engaged in a bitter power struggle that split the Roman Empire and eventually led to its downfall.

Vettenmyer's Plan:
The interkron is set for February 15, one month prior to Caesar's death. This is the Feast of the Lupercalia, a holiday celebrated with chariot races attended by Caesar and his mistress, Cleopatra. Intel-Ops believes that Vettenmyer has arranged an 'accident' which will kill the dictator at the festival without the involvement of the conspirators.

Mission Objective:
Foil Vettenmyer's assassination attempt.

Consequence of Failure:
Without the power struggle among Caesar's killers, the Roman Empire may remain united and resist all future barbarian incursions. It may, in fact, never fall.

452 A.D. Rome

Critical Event:
In the spring of 450, Honoria, sister of Emperor Valentinian III, sent her ring to Attila the Hun and asked him to rescue her from an arranged marriage. Instead, Attila claimed her as his bride and demanded half the Roman Empire as her dowry.

When he failed to get either the woman or the land, he laid waste to northern Italy and marched on Rome. Powerless to stop him, Valentinian appealed to Pope Leo the Great to negotiate the treaty.

Pope Leo rode out to meet Attila and the two men met privately in the barbarian's tent. What transpired is lost to history, but when the two emerged, Attila turned his army away from Rome, never to return.

Vettenmyer's Plan:
According to Intel-Ops, Attila was afraid of the legendary power of the Christian god. It is believed that Vettenmyer has convinced Attila that the god of the Romans is actually weak and will be unable to stop the Hun invasion.

Mission Objective:
Assist Pope Leo in turning Attila away from Rome.

Consequence of Failure:
If Attila attacks and causes the early collapse of the Roman Empire, the gains of the "Pax Romana" may be lost and Europe may slip back to the barbarism of warring tribes.

800 A.D. Rome

Critical Event:
On Christmas Day in the year 800, Charlemagne was crowned first Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III. The coronation was the most significant event in Medieval history, and signalled the beginning of the end of the Dark Ages. Under Charlemagne's subsequent rule, more of Europe was united under one crown than at any time until Napoleon.

Vettenmyer's Plan:
Charlemagne was a truly devout man who accepted the crown only because he believed it was God's will. Intel-Ops believes that Vettenmyer has convinced Charlemagne he is not holy enough to rule. As a result, Charlemagne will not accept the crown unless it is marked with a sign from God.

Mission Objective:
Convince Charlemagne to proceed with the coronation.

Consequence of Failure:
Without Charlemagne's leadership, Europe may never emerge from the Dark Ages.

800 A.D. Baghdad

Critical Event:
As large as Charlemagne's empire was, it was dwarfed by the Muslim territories ruled by Harun al-Rashid, the sultan immortalized in the "1001 Arabian Nights." Harun's empire stretched from Spain to China, and the elephant he sent to Charlemagne as a coronation gift was symbolic of the relative sizes of the two empires. Although the sultan was a popular leader, Yahya, his Grand Vizier, secretly plotted to overthrow him.

Vettenmyer's Plan:
Harun was able to put down Yahya's revolt because he learned of it far enough in advance to prepare a defense. Intel-Ops believes that Vettenmyer has persuaded Yahya to speed up the timetable and to attack Harun before he has had time to prepare.

Mission Objective:
Prove the Vizier's treachery to the sultan.

Consequence of Failure:
If the ruthless Yahya replaces Harun as the sultan, the Muslim armies may resume their attacks on the Christian world and extend Arab domination over the rest of Europe.

1215 A.D. Dover

Critical Event:
In 1215, King John of England's war against France had exhausted the funds in the Royal Treasury. Desperate for money, he tried to raise the taxes on his wealthy barons. The barons, however, refused to pay until John signed the Magna Carta, the document that became the cornerstone of individual liberty in a free democracy.

Vettenmyer's Plan:
Intel-Ops notes that if King John had access to alternate funding, he would never have signed the Magna Carta. It is believed that Vettenmyer has convinced one of John's allies to advance him the money.

Mission Objective:
Ensure that King John signs the Magna Carta.

Consequence of Failure:
Without the Magna Carta to protect the rights of the individual, the feudal system may be extended indefinitely.

1215 A.D. Peking

Critical Event:
While King John fretted at Runnymede, Gengkhis Khan and his Mongol Horde were camped outside the gates of Peking several thousand miles away. They were engaged in a long and difficult siege of the city, an unusual activity for the highly nomadic tribe. When the city eventually fell, the Great Khan founded the Yuan Dynasty that ruled China for over a Century.

Vettenmyer's Plan:
Intel-Ops believes that the Mongols were unaccustomed to the demands of "sit-and-wait" warfare. It is believed that Vettenmyer has persuaded Genghis to abandon the siege and to raid Europe instead.

Mission Objective:
Open the gates of Peking to the Mongols before Gengkhis Khan decides to abandon the siege.

Consequence of Failure:
If Genghis Khan attacks Europe, the Mongols will almost certainly overrun the continent, destroy western civilization, and replace it with customs drawn from their oriental heritage.

1519 A.D. Mexico

Critical Event:
In 1519, Hernando Cortez landed in Mexico with only 500 men and 16 horses. Yet in a matter of months he conquered the entire Aztec nation of more than half a million people. He accomplished this astounding feat with the help of an Aztec myth that the vengeful god Quetzlcoatl would one day come in the guise of a bearded white man and destroy the Aztecs.

Vettenmyer's Plan:
Intel-Ops notes that Vettenmyer's interkron visited Mexico in 1361 B.C., which was the era in which the Quetzlcoatl myth was established. They believed that Vettenmyer has tampered with the legend, changing it to make the Aztecs believe they are invincible.

Mission Objective:
Re-establish the original Quetzlcoatl myth.

Consequence of Failure:
With the Quetzlcoatl myth altered to strengthen the Aztecs, they may defeat not only Cortez but all other European invaders, eventually extending their cannibalistic culture over all the Americas.

1798 A.D. Rome

Critical Event:
In early 1798, the French army occupied Rome and deposed Pope Pius VI. The invasion was just one step in Bonaparte's lifelong dream of extending French rule all over the territory once united under Charlemagne's crown.

Once Italy was conquered, Napoleon's greatest obstacle to complete European dominance was England and her indomitable navy, led by Admiral Lord Nelson. Unwilling to attack the island directly, Napoleon took his army to Egypt to cut off the source of England's wealth, the trade routes to spice-rich India. When Nelson learned of Bonaparte's plans, he sailed to Egypt and defeated the French navy at the Battle of the Nile, stranding Napoleon's army over two thousand miles from home.

Vettenmyer's Plan:
Intel-Ops believes that a direct invasion of England by Napoleon would have succeeded. It is also believed that Vettenmyer has convinced Napoleon of this, and that he has decided there is no reason to go to Egypt.

Mission Objective:
Convince Napoleon to invade Egypt and make sure that Nelson is there to meet him.

Consequence of Failure:
If Napoleon sails against England instead of Egypt, he will probably prevail and England will become just another province of France.

1940 A.D. Dover/Rome

Critical Event:
On May 10, 1940, the German armies burst from behind the outdated Maginot line and blitzkrieged their way across Belgium and France. By the end of the month, the Nazis had routed the allied army and relentlessly forced them to retreat until their backs were up against the Channel. The British troops were completely surrounded and had no hope of escape.

Then, on May 24th, Hitler ordered a halt to the advance. For the next three days, teh British and French troops shored up the defenses around Dunkirk while German tanks sat idle. By the time Hitler reinstated the order to advance, it was too late. From May 27 to June 3, the British achieved the miracle of Dunkirk. They evacuated over 340,000 men, taking them out in sailboats, rowboats, yachts, dinghies, and anything else that would float.

Vettenmyer's Plan:
Intel-Ops reports that Hitler had several reasons for ordering the three-day hiatus. Chief among them was the hope that the British would accept the cease-fire as a show of mercy and that Churchill would negotiate a quick surrender.

Because Vettenmyer's interkron is set to arrive at both Dover and Rome on the afternoon of May 24th, Intel-Ops believes that he has a two-prong strategy to alter events. They believed that his main goal is to convince Churchill to indicate he is willing to surrender. 

As a backup plan, Intel-Ops thinks Vettenmyer has convinced Hitler to accelerate the timetable and to resume the attack early if the British do not signal their surrender by some predetermined time.

Mission Objective:
Make Hitler believed that Churchill has surrendered.

Consequence of Failure:
If the Nazis resume the attack before the British can shore up their defenses, the British and French armies will be destroyed, the Germans will win World War II, and all Europe will be plunged into darkness.

END of TimeQuest Mission Briefing Papers-- Enjoy!


Mr Creosote

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