
Solution by Mr Creosote

Exit to the left
Give the package to the receptionist to receive a badge
Use the badge with the badge reader
Enter the elevator
Use the badge with the badge reader
Exit the elevator
Give the package to the receptionist
Enter the elevator
Use the badge with the badge reader
(watch the cutscene)
Use the ladder
Pick up the metal rod
Use the metal rod with the grating
Enter ("use") the grating
Exit to the left
Climb down the ladder
Enter the right-hand door
Get the purple key card
Exit the room again and exit to the right
Enter the next door
Switch on the screens and examine them
Exit the room
Exit to the right
Enter the left door
Examine the phone to receive a red key
Exit the room
Enter the right door
Walk up the stairs
Exit to the right
Open the right fuse box and switch it on
Exit the room
Walk up the stairs
Exit to the right
Pick up the welder
Exit the room
Walk up the stairs (x2)
Exit to the right (x2)
Pick up the knife from the table
Enter the bathroom
Examine the bin to receive some paper towels
Go back to the stairway
Walk all the way down, all the way to the left, up the ladder and all the way to the right
Open the fire hose case with the metal rod
Use the knife with the hose
Use the hose with the welder
Walk left again and down the ladder
Enter the first door
Use the red key with the padlock and open the locker
Examine the locker to get a USB stick
Pick up the toilet paper
Use the toilet with the toilet paper (not the other way round!)
Leave the room
Exit to the right and enter the left door
Use the USB stick with the rightmost PC
Exit the room
Use the purple key card on the card slot and enter the room
Use the USB stick with the PC
Exit the room
Enter the stairway and walk up to level U3
Walk left
Use the metal rod with the valve
Walk left to the robot torso and examine it
Pull the robot torso to receive a remote control
Walk left
Pick up the gas tank and use it with the welder
Use the USB stick with the rightmost robot
Give the welder and the paper towels to the robot
Use the remote control to take control of the robot
Drive down to level U4 and then left
Push the right button, then the left one
Drive left and enter door #4
Use the welder on the hole
Use the towels with the goo
Exit and drive back to the stairway (pushing the buttons in reverse order)
Drive up all the way and use the welder on the door
Drive down to level U2 and to the right
Use the remote control to switch back
Walk back to the stairway, down to U4 and left
Walk through the radiation lock
Enter door #1
Open the toolbox and examine it to receive a screwdriver
Exit and enter door #3
Use the screwdriver with the grating
Examine the grating to receive a piece of paper
Examine the post it
Walk back to the stairway and all the way up
Enter the door and walk left
Try leaving through the front door and receive instructions to mix a serum
Go all the way down and enter the left door in the center screen
Examine the first screen (previously encrypted)
Go up to U2 and to the right (where the robot also is)
Pick up the pipette from the first table
Use the pipette with the puddle
Put the gooey towels, the wet paper and the pipette into the shaker
Turn on the shaker
Use the pipette with the shaker
Walk up to the exit and... exit
You have saved the world! Probably...


Mr Creosote

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TGOD button #1 TGOD button #2