Creatures 2
Original Price: £9.99 Tape £14.99 Disk
Players: 1
Difficulty: Medium/Hard
Company: © 1992 Thalamus
An excellent sequel to an excellent game.
Personally I preferred the first game. If this game had to scrolling levels as well it would have been my favourite. Its got very good level layouts and this music is the best and the use of the C64's graphics take it to the limit (who would have though you could have a full screen snow effect and still have a game running as well).
Instruction Manual
Insert disk side A and type LOAD "*",8,1 (RETURN) Creatures 2 will now load automatically. Creatures 2 is a multiload game, follow on screen instructions to play.
Insert tape into tape player making sure it's rewound on side A. While holding down the SHIFT key, press RUN /STOP. When the screen prompts you, press play on your player. Creatures 2 is a multiload game, follow on screen instructions to play.
Life has been rather peaceful for the Fuzzy Wuzzy clan ever since Clyde Radcliffe disposed of the island's resident Demons who had kidnapped his best friends. Their torture devices were no match for the might of Clyde and his flame breath.
Clyde had since settled down with Bonnie, a very attractive Fuzzette who fell for him at one of the many 'fuzzy raves'. After several trips to the cabbage patch, they were the proud parents of no less than nine cute little fuzzies. Life was just perfect... or was it?
Unbeknown to them, the land they discovered a few years ago and named 'The Hippest Place in the Known Universe' consisted of not one but three islands. The few surviving Demons fled to these islands and began to construct bigger, better, and more ghastly torture chambers - they wanted revenge.
The Demons decided to strike during the Radcliffe's annual trip to the beach, and while Clyde and Bonnie were 'walking' in the sand dunes, the sadistic Demons mercilessly swiped their helpless kiddies. When Clyde returned, his children were gone the only thing left on the beach was a tiny pair of luminous Bermuda shorts.
On their way back to the village they found Chaz lying on the ground, bleeding and out of breath. He told them about the Demons, the new torture chambers, and that everyone in the village was gone. Chaz drew one last breath, closed his soft, pink eyes, and died. A tear ran down Bonnie's face, and Clyde felt a lump in his throat he knew what he had to do.
The game is set across the 3 islands which make up 'The Hippest Place in the Known Universe', each island in turn contains 6 separate stages; 2 Torture screens, 2 Interlude screens, a Demon Selection, and finally the Island Hopping Selection.
Here Clyde must rescue one of his captured kiddies, using the available on screen objects and devices. Certain creatures, when destroyed, will leave behind a Magic Potion (stolen from the span (Witches Hut). When collected, this potion adds a particular weapon to Clyde's current selection.
For these Selections Clyde teams up with the Fuzzy rescued from the previous Torture Screen, their aim being to bounce a designated amount of Fuzzy Wuzzies to safety. Careful 'fuzzy bouncing' can be used to collect BONUS coins a bonus life is awarded for every 5 collected.
Once Clyde has completed the first four stages of an island he is nabbed by the Demons and imprisoned. To escape he must destroy his captors by bombarding them with Bugs which must be kicked under the Acme Vacuum Machines.
When Clyde has completed an island, he must take his rescued children to the next island. As Clyde is the only one equipped with scuba gear he must carry his offspring across the water. However, Clyde's path may be blocked by smaller islands. The fuzzies must be deposited on the lefthand side of the islands and collected from the right. Again there are BONUS coins for him to collect. Note: It a fuzzy is left too long treading water he will drown!
Situated on certain Torture Screens are Hidden Bonus Rooms. Clyde can only obtain access to these at certain points and at certain times within each Torture Screen. Once inside, Clyde must collect as many 'bonus creatures' as he can, in as little time as possible. To go into the next room simply fall off the bottom of the screen. ' Note: Only collect the nodding, smiling creatures. If any other creatures are touched, Clyde will automatically leave the Bonus Room.
Run Stop: Pause (move joystick to resume)
Q: (from pause) quit
R: (from pause) Restart Torture Screen (one life will be lost)
Pushing UP makes Clyde jump, LEFT/RIGHT makes Clyde walk left and right.
When FIRE is pressed, Clyde will fire using the current weapon. If FIRE is held down for a second and then released, Clyde's flame breath will be activiated.
Pulling DOWN then pressing FIRE will bring up the weapons tablet.
Keeping FIRE depressed, LEFT/RIGHT can be used to select a weapon - release FIRE when the desired weapon is highlighted.
Pushing LEFT/RIGHT will move Clyde and his kid left/right.
With FIRE held down, LEFT/RIGHT can be used to tilt the trampoline left and right. If a Fuzzy is bouncing to the left, tilting the trampoline to the right will cause him to bounce straight up. If the trampoline was tilted to the left, however, the Fuzzy would be catapulted twice as far as usual.
Pushing LEFTIRIGHT will move Clyde left/right.
Pushing UP/DOWN will move the selected exhaust port up and down.
This is where any bugs that have been sucked up will be launched from.
When FIRE is pressed Clyde will kick.
Pushing UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT makes Clyde swim up, down, left and right respectively. To collect a fuzzy from the beach or an island edge, pull left to touch the king sure Clyde is at the top of the water. To deposit a fuzzy onto an island or the beach, pull right towards the land again making sure Clyde is at the top of the water. Once a fuzzy is deposited on an island, pressing FIRE will make him run to the other side where he will wait to be collected.
Pushing UP makes Clyde jump, LEFT/RIGHT makes Clyde walk left and right.
In the improbable event of this product being faulty, please return it to the original place of purchase, Audiovisual concept, label and program
This game is dedicated to Chaz and the dozens of Stunt Fuzzies who gave their lives - they will never he forgotten.
Game conceived and created by APEX COMPUTER PRODUCTIONS
Programmed by John 'Tequila King" Rowlands
Graphics, music and SFX by STEVE "Kid Lucky" Rowlands
With bodacious acknowledgment to:
Dave '16 Valve less" Birch (loadsahype); Andy "Mr. Silk" Smith & Andy "and for my next trick" Roberts (handywork (work by Andys'); Rob "Mr. Quazar Ellis (SFX software); Tracy "Brandy Oueen" Matheussen (fiancee/gofer); Sandra "one track mind" Boe (moral (immoral?) support); Francois "myroundaphobia" Mertil (unused ideas).
1 Saturn House, Calleva Park, Aldermaston, Berkshire RG7 40W, England
Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, munching, public performance and broadcasting of this product are strictly prohibited
Tips and Cheats
Wet your finger and rub the joystick port 1 on the title screen and Clyde dances, when you have done it enough Clyde changes into Maximus Mouse (From Winter Camp)
John and Steve Rowlands
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Letzte Änderung: 08.02.2025 16:27:12
Mr Creosote
Also jetzt mal ernsthaft! Du hast doch meine Familie entführt und zuerst eingesperrt! Creatures 2 – Torture Trouble war nicht nur technisch auf dem Höhepunkt, wie es ja häufiger bei Spielen gegen Ende des Systemslebenszyklus vorkommt, sondern es stellte auch den fundamentalen Unterschied zwischen den damals sterbenden Heimcomputer-Ökosystemen und der strikt durch Firmen kontrollierten (und zensierten) Konsolenwelt heraus. Den mit dem Sieg letzterer verbundenen Freiheitsverlust haben wir uns selbst mit unserem Kaufverhalten zuzuschreiben.