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Feel free to share anything about Frontier: Elite 2 (1993) here!

Andrew Edwards

This game was absolutely the Holy Grail for me.Other space sims just pretend to be like it. Alot of them aspire to it.I have it in my collection but can't play it because my computer is too fast.Now I am resigned to just looking at the box and dreaming of what once was.Bring on Elite 4 and don't let use down.


hey dude you can slow down your pc with a program called moslo it TEMPORERILY slows your cumputer down while the game is playing , this has helped me play loads of golden oldies


why does it not work on a pc?


Well david these older PC games were designed for the DOS operating system.Frontier Elite 2 works great on a 486 with DOS 6.2.
Orbiter is a awesome newer FREE space simulator which can be found at


This game is a must. It all started here and has never really been surpassed gameplay wise.

Use DosBox to play on modern is your friend.


Waaaah! The greatest game of all time rated 5/6?! This cannot be! This is probably the game with the most freedom. If you're just a bit into science fiction this is the thing - command your own space ship. Yeeha!

Mr Creosote

Then maybe you can explain the point of having millions of planets if they're all the same? ;)


ever thought about procedural generated and what's the meaning of?

and they aren't ALL the same, it would be unfair to tell so.

in advance i should warn you, i'm a complete addicted frontier-head, there is no game i invested so much time in playing and hacking it.

to the existing clones, orbiter ok, but it's meant as a pure space sim, of course there exist many mods for it.

there are many clones of Elite/Frontier but...

we've (me to) been working actually on a game similar to Frontier, besides it's not a clone, it's completely rewritten.

it's name is Pioneer Space Simulation
it's still alpha so don't expect to much...

responsible for the idea and coding of pioneer are the creators of

JJFFE, a Frontier First Encounters for windows from John Jordan
GL-Frontier, a Atari Frontier release for windows from Tom Morton

while i'm only mostly responsible for many of the models in Pioneer.

further one should know there exists a sequel to FE2 FFE (First Encounters) which is spiced up a bit compared to Frontier (released 1995), but in most parts the same, there are some leaks in the game compared to Frontier but it's a good one to try out.

JJFFE has been wrapped by a russian to a more modern 3D game with better gfx, it's called
FFED3D you will find it on

for info about all the above named space sims check Space Sim Central.

and please support Pioneer with your interest in it!

any questions? call me up i'm willing to help you


schon mal an "prozess generiert" gedacht?

zu sagen alle planeten sind gleich wäre unfair und nicht wahr.

vorab sollte ich euch warnen ich bin ein Frontier süchtiger und habe in kein spiel soviel zeit investiert wie für Frontier.

Orbiter ist ok, aber als reine raumflug simulation gedacht, natürlich gibt es zahllose mods die ein ähnliches spielerlebnis wie Frontier bieten.

Elite/Frontier clones gibt es zahllose...

aber nur ein Pioneer Space Sim
welches KEIN clone ist, sondern komplett neu geschrieben wurde.
es ist immer noch im alpha stadium, erwartet nicht zuviel davon...
wir (ich auch) sind stark mit der entwicklung beschäftigt.

verantwortlich für die entwicklung und idee sind

John Jordan - codierte JJFFE, ein windows release von Frontier First Encounters
Tom Morton - verantwortlich für GL-Frontier, ein windows release von Frontier für Atari.

wobei meine wenigkeit "nur" für viele der modelle in Pioneer verantwortlich ist.

zu bemerken wäre noch...

FFE ist eine fortführung von Frontier mit einigen extras aber auch einigen fehlern mehr.

es gibt eine modernisierte version von JJFFE eines russischen entwicklers, der name ist
FFED3D und ist auf beheimatet.

für infos über alle hier genannten spiele geht auf
Space Sim Central (forum in englisch).

bitte unterstützt uns bei Pioneer, sei es auch nur mit eurem interesse daran.

irgendwelche fragen? schick ein mail an


links and Frontier Forums (home of Frontier)
Pioneer Space Sim (Tom Morton's latest creation)
JJFFE (John Jordan's Frontier First Encounters for windows)
GLFFE (a open GL wrapping for JJFFE)
GL-Frontier (Tom Morton's Frontier wrapping for windows, open-GL to)
FFED3D (a russian wrapper for JJFFE with more recent 3D GFX)

FrontierAstro (Steve's Elite/Frontier site, all you liked to know ever about frontier)
Space Sim Central (forum for all kinds of space related games)


perhaps you like to know how to get a galaxy on a DD Floppy?


a few screen shots



Pioneer Space Sim

like to watch it all on youtube?


apropos Frontier

Frontier und Frontier First Encounters gibt es auch in deutsch
die beste adresse hierfür ist

in eigener sache,
beide website & blog sind noch im aufbau, zeit bleibt mir wenig dazu, trotzdem


Oh yeah. I have no other words regarding this game, but.. IT ROCKS. They say a remake is being made, but i still dunno if it will have multiplayer implemented. I think this is what the world needs now, and has been needing for hell of a while: a multiplayer space war/management game!


Originally posted by Andrew Edwards at 13:00 on June 20th, 2001:
This game was absolutely the Holy Grail for me.

True. Best Space Simulation ever. Period.


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