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Feel free to share anything about UFO: Enemy Unknown (1994) here!


I don't know if any of you know this, but there is a multiplayer UFO made by fans.

I play sometimes to it and it's fun.

Eagle of Fire

If you want to play a game which is based on UFO and Laser Squad (both made from the same guy, mister Gollups), I recommend Laser Squad Nemesis. Clearly the best Xcom-like strategy game I ever played. :)


I've been playing again to "Terror from the Deep" (this time I finished it) and compared to UFO it looks rushed.

I don't dislike having to face cyborgs honed for combat like the lobstermen, which are killing machines, or the alien missile launcher having an absurdly big area. But most of the changes (because they didn't really add anything new) where to unbalance the game, the only good weapons are the alien sonic rifles. And adding to it, there are lots of investigation bugs that will get you stuck or simply make sure it takes forever to get the new armors and ships.

The first game of the saga, UFO, is great and shows a lot of care. But the two next looks rushed. Look at Apocalypse, they didn't even finish the graphics and the aliens are still ugly place-holders.

Mr Creosote

I've been playing again to "Terror from the Deep" [...]

Don't you think this is more suited for the Terror from the Deep comments thread? ;)

Anyway, that sequel feels rushed, because it is. How long after Ufo was it released? Three months? Obviously a cash-in sequel made by Microprose (the original team wasn't even involved). It's not without its merits, though. I like the inclusion of a few Lovecraftian motifs.


Originally posted by Mr Creosote at 21:03 on December 22nd, 2008:
I've been playing again to "Terror from the Deep" [...]

Don't you think this is more suited for the Terror from the Deep comments thread? ;)

Anyway, that sequel feels rushed, because it is. How long after Ufo was it released? Three months? Obviously a cash-in sequel made by Microprose (the original team wasn't even involved). It's not without its merits, though. I like the inclusion of a few Lovecraftian motifs.

It was indeed a bad game. But I liked the underwater scenario because I allways wondered
what happened to the Ufo's which crashed on water in the first part of the X-Com series.


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