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Heh.. funny to see someone has actually reviewed THAT Never got to play it myself, and honestly, i didn't even know what it's about. Nice to see someone actually has a special taste for obscure games. Cool review, thumbs up.
It's an classic and thanks to ScummVM it runs very well under Android. Just make sure that Adlib option under MIDI is turned on. As there no F-keys on most devices use the Android back button to access menu for Status and Goal.
Feel free to share anything about JONES in the Fast Lane (1990) here!Moebius
Heh.. funny to see someone has actually reviewed THAT Never got to play it myself, and honestly, i didn't even know what it's about. Nice to see someone actually has a special taste for obscure games. Cool review, thumbs up.MasterLee
It's an classic and thanks to ScummVM it runs very well under Android. Just make sure that Adlib option under MIDI is turned on. As there no F-keys on most devices use the Android back button to access menu for Status and Goal.