
Where Time Stood Still (c) 1988 Ocean Software - Complete Documentation

The plane is descending rapidly, Jarret struggling with the controls, searches
anxiously for a possible landing site. Breaking through the clouds, the ground is
suddenly upon him, and with one last heave on the joystick he prepares for impact.

Out of the wreckage tumble Jarret, the guide and pilot, Clive, a fat and wealthy
man, Gloria, his delicate daughter, and Dirk, her newly betrothed.

They have found themselves on a strange plateau, nestled between the peaks of the
greater Himalaya. The only way out of their predicament is via a high mountain
pass somewhere on the other side.

As our friends will soon be aware, everything is not quite as it seems. Protected
by the mountains from both climatic and other outside influences, this land has
remained undisturbed for millennia.

When your party is attacked by dinosaurs and harassed by cannibals it becomes
apparent that no western man has been here and lived to tell of it.

You, who initially control Jarret, must guide your party along tortuous mountain
paths, across rivers and bottomless chasms, through swamps and forest, in the
increasingly desperate search for the passage home.


1. Place the cassette in your recorder ensuring that it is fully rewound.
2. Ensure that the MIC socket is disconnected and that the volume an tone
   controls are set to the appropriate levels.
3. If the computer is a Spectrum 128K then load as follows.
   Type Load "" (ENTER). (Note there is no space between the quotes). The " is
   obtained by pressing the SYMBOL SHIFT and P keys simultaneously.
4. Press PLAY on your recorder and the game will load automatically. If you have
   any problems try adjusting the volume and tone controls and consulting
   chapter 6 of the Spectrum manual.
5. If the computer is a Spectrum +2 then follow the loading instructions on
   screen or in the accompanying manual.


Jarret is controlled by Kempston, Sinclair or Cursor joystick or keyboard, his
companions will normally do their best to keep up.

Options are provided at the beginning of the game. The player may defined his own,
with the exception of the SPACE bar, which is used to call up menus.



                 Walk                                    Run 
         Walk    North   Walk                    Run    North   Run
         North\    |    /East                   North\    |    /East                  
               \   |   /                              \   |   /
                \  |  /                                \  |  /
       Walk      \ | /      Walk              Run       \ | /      Run
       West------STAND------East              West------STAND------East
                 / | \                                  / | \
                /  |  \                                /  |  \
               /   |   \                              /   |   \
          Walk/    |    \Walk                     Run/    |    \Run
          West   Walk    South                    West   Run    South
                 South                                  South

                            SPACE BAR - CALL UP MENUS


Pressing the SPACE bar will call up a series of menus which facilitate the picking
up, dropping and use of objects. It is important to note that the action of the
game continues whilst these menus are being displayed.

If the menus are obscuring your view they can be moved by placing the cursor in an
iconless position, holding down the fire button and dragging the menu to the
required position.

The menus and Icons are described below.

MENU 1: Cyan

This contains options for pause, Music or Sound Effects, and the New Game Option.
The top four icons are used for selecting an inventory menu for the respective
characters. You can only access these icons if the relevant character is within
hailing distance of the hero.

   |  ---------------   ---------------   --------------   --------------  |
   |  |             |   |             |   |            |   |            |  |
   |  |   JARRET    |   |   GLORIA    |   |    DIRK    |   |    CLIVE   |  |
   |  |             |   |             |   |            |   |            |  |
   |  ---------------   ---------------   --------------   --------------  |
   |  ---------------   ---------------   --------------   --------------  |
   |  |             |   |             |   |   SOUND    |   |            |  |
   |  |  QUIT MENU  |   | PAUSE GAME  |   |  EFFECTS/  |   |  NEW GAME  |  |
   |  |             |   |             |   |   MUSIC    |   |            |  |
   |  ---------------   ---------------   --------------   --------------  |

MENU 2: Red
This is the inventory menu. Called from menu 1, it displays what a character is
carrying, (the top four icons), and any objects in his or her vicinity.

   |  ---------------                                                      |
   |  |   DISPLAYS  |   ---------------   --------------   --------------  |
   |  |    WHOSE    |   |   OBJECT    |   |   OBJECT   |   |   OBJECT   |  |
   |  |  INVENTORY  |   |   CARRIED   |   |   CARRIED  |   |   CARRIED  |  |
   |  ---------------   ---------------   --------------   --------------  |
   |  ---------------   ---------------   --------------   --------------  |
   |  |             |   |    OBJECT   |   |   OBJECT   |   |   OBJECT   |  |
   |  |  QUIT MENU  |   |      ON     |   |     ON     |   |     ON     |  |
   |  |             |   |    GROUND   |   |   GROUND   |   |   GROUND   |  |
   |  ---------------   ---------------   --------------   --------------  |

To pick up an object place the arrow over the icon and press fire. The cursor then
takes up the shape of the object. Move the new cursor up to the top half of the
menu and press fire again. The character has now been ordered to pick up this
object, and will make his/her way towards it. Each person can carry four items.
There is a bag provided that will hold an additional four items. To place an item
in the bag, simply move the object to the bag icon. To examine the contents of the
bag, use it as described below.

Dropping objects is the reverse, place arrow over item to drop, press fire and
drag object to the bottom half of the menu and press fire again. The object will
now be dropped.

Using an Object
Place the arrow first over the USE ITEM icon. Press fire and the icon is
highlighted. Then point to the object that you wish to use, press fire and the
icon is highlighted. Then point to the object that you wish to use, press fire to
order its use. The USE ITEM icon can be cancelled by selecting it again. You can
only use objects that a character is carrying.

MENU 3: Magenta
This menu replaces menu 1 upon the death of the player character. Once a
player character is dead, you are allowed to choose another from any of those
still alive.

Upon selection the menu will revert back to its original form, and the new player
character will be under the same joystick / keyboard control as Jarret was


The status display permanently snows the player character's strength / injury,
hunger/thirst, and ammunition levels. The score is represented as the percentage
of game completion. A calendar is provided supplying a record of the days elapsed
since the crash.

    -  |---------|   STRENGTH     ----- ||           ||  |      |    /\   -
       |         | -------------- |   | ||   Score   ||  | May  |   <  >  
       | Player  | HUNGER/THIRST  |   | ||           ||  |  1   |    \/
       |Character| -------------- |   | ||___________||  |      | Day/night  
       |         |  AMMUNITION    ----- ---------------  -------- Indicator
       |---------| --------------     

The other characters communicate their respective condition using the conversation
windows that open from the top of the screen. These will tell you when people are
tired, thirsty, hungry, or are just frustrated at the lack of progress.

The success of the venture will depend greatly on the disposition of your
companions. An understanding of their different temperaments will increase your
chances. Clive is slow, unathletic, and ill tempered, always the first to
complain. If on your travels you find anything valuable, he will want it. You must
watch him carefully, especially if escape is close at hand.

Gloria, a naturally elegant woman, isn't as weak as she may appear. Aware of
stupid stereotypes, she is determined not to be a burden on the party. She
complains rarely and is generally supportive of Jarret. Whilst her beloved remains
Dirk, she finds Jarret strangely compelling, a fact she worriedly places to the
back of her mind.

Dirk, an athletic type with an exemplary background. He is very attached to Gloria
and is never far from her side. However should Gloria come a cropper his will to
survive is greatly reduced. His Cambridge studies on obscure eastern dialects may
come in useful when dealing with the natives.

When a character is telling you that he or she is tired, Jarret must judge whether
to rest or not. Just because someone complains doesn't mean they can't go on a
little longer. If your team gets disillusioned with your lack of progress, they
are quite likely to abandon you and try to make their own way. If you leave your
companions behind, then they will continue their journey as best they can, but
without your strong leadership it is unlikely they will survive.

Scattered throughout the plateau are areas of mystical significance, these tend to
be avoided by inhabitants and are therefore ideal places to rest and recuperate.


Its program code, graphic representation and artwork are the copyright of Ocean
Software Limited and may not be reproduced stored, hired or broadcast in any form
whatsover without the written permission of Ocean Software Limited. All rights
reserved worldwide.

reson you have difficulty in running the program and believe that the product is
defective, please return it direct to:

Mr Yates, Ocean Software Limited, 6 Central Street, Manchester, M2 5NS.

Our quality control department will test the product and supply an immediate
replacement if we find a fault. If we cannot find a fault the product will be
returned to you at no charge. Please note that this does not effect your
statutory rights.


Produced by D.C. Ward
Designed and created by Denton Designs (c) 1988
(c) 1988 Ocean Software Limited.

Instructions typed in by Paul Thompson, March 2003


Mr Creosote

With this one, it may look like I‘m preparing a „Best of Spectrum“ list. Not right now. Such a list only really make sense when a certain threshold of overall games listed has been reached. Where Time Stood Still most certainly will be a hot candidate nevertheless when the time comes.


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