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Like — Mr Creosote
Ambush at Sorinor (1993)
Ancient Domains of Mystery (1994)
Battle Bugs (1995)
Battle Squadron: The Destruction of the Barrax Empire (1989)
Castles II: Siege & Conquest (1994)
City of Thieves (1983)
Civilization (1991)
Creatures 2: Torture Trouble (1992)
Dark Legions (1994)
Deadline (1982)
The Clue! (1994)
Descent (1994)
Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf (1992)
Die Fugger II (1996)
The Settlers (1993)
Discovery – In the Steps of Columbus (1991)
Discworld II: Missing Presumed…!? (1996)
Dune (1992)
Empire Deluxe (1993)
Europa Universalis II (2001)
Gateway 2: Homeworld (1993)
Grim Fandango (1998)
Harvester (1996)
Heart of Africa (1985)
Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia (1999)
Hot Wheels (1985)
Hunter Hunted (1996)
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (1995)
IK+ (1988)
Imperialism 2: The Age of Exploration (1999)
Inca (1993)
Infra Arcana (2011)
It Came From the Desert (1990)
James Pond II: Codename Robocod (1991)
Kether (1993)
Little Big Adventure (1994)
Locomotion (1992)
Lords of the Realm (1995)
Master of Orion (1993)
MechForce (1989)
MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat (1995)
Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament (1995)
Midwinter (1990)
Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck's Revenge (1992)
Murder on the Zinderneuf (1983)
North & South (1989)
Operation: Inner Space (1994)
Paradroid (1985)
PCKaiser++ (1992)
Phobia (1989)
Pirates! (1987)
Pirates! Gold (1993)
Powermonger (1990)
Privateer (1993)
Project Firestart (1989)
Projectyle (1990)
Proliferation (1995)
Psychic Detective (1996)
R.A.F. (1986)
Railroad Tycoon (1990)
Rise of the Dragon (1991)
Road Rash (1994)
Rock Star Ate My Hamster (1988)
Shadow of the Comet (1993)
Shattered Pixel Dungeon (2014)
Silent Service II (1990)
SimCopter (1997)
Simutrans (1999)
Skool Daze: Klass of '99 (1999)
Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe (1990)
Star Control II: The Ur-Quan Masters (1992)
Steel Machine (1993)
Stronghold (1993)
Stunt Car Racer (1988)
Stunt Island (1992)
Tender Loving Care (1998)
The Case of the Cautious Condor (1991)
The Chaos Engine (1993)
The Last Express (1997)
The Lords of Midnight (1984)
The Lurking Horror (1987)
The Perfect General (1991)
The Secret of Monkey Island (1990)
The Sims (2000)
The Train: Escape to Normandy (1987)
Timequest (1991)
Transarctica (1993)
Transplant (1992)
Transport Tycoon (1994)
UnCiv (2021)
Uridium (1986)
Warlords II (1993)
Warpath (1994)
Where Time Stood Still (1988)
Wings (1990)
Worms: The Director's Cut (1997)
WWF Raw (1994)
Zeewolf 2: Wild Justice (1995)
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