Jagged Alliance Manual
Written by Tapuak

1) The Island Map

This map shows the island of Metavira, divided into 60 sectors. The light-coloured sectors are in control of the player, while the darker ones are in enemy hands.

The Team Button
While the team button is pressed, you can specify a starting sector for your team by pushing the left mouse button while selecting a sector. Clicking the right mouse button cancels the choice.

The Dollar Button
Clicking the button with the dollar sign below the team button takes you to the team management screen.

The Guards Button
While the guards button is pressed, you can adjust the numbers of guards in a sector. Clicking on the left mouse button increases the number of guards in a sector, while clicking on the right mouse button decreases it. The guards are depicted as small blue squares on the map. They are necessary to defend a sector against enemies.

The Tappers Button
If the tappers button is pressed, you can adjust the numbers of tappers in a sector. Clicking on the left mouse button increases the number of tappers in a sector, while clicking on the right mouse button decreases it. The tappers are depicted as small yellow squares on the map. The numbers of tappers can't be higher than the amount of trees in a sector (green squares).

The Salary Button
The salary button allows you to increase the wages of guards and tappers. Left click to select, right click to increase the salary, left click to confirm.

The Trees Button
Pushing this button displays information about the factories and their production capacities.

The Projected Balance Button
Pushing this button displays some financial information.

The OK Button
This button should be pushed to end planning and start the day.

2) The Team Management Screen

Here you can select what a merc is supposed to do this day. Clicking on a portrait opens the inventory.

On Duty
The merc will be in combat.

The merc will stay at the base and do nothing. Small injuries can be cured this way.

The merc will stay at the base and try to improve his skills.

The merc will stay at the base and medicate injured ones who are there as a patient. Note that the doctor must have a medical kit or first aid kit in his right hand.

The merc will stay at the base and be medicated. A doctor is required.

The merc will stay at the base repairing items. He must have a tool kit in his right hand. The items he is supposed to repair can be placed in his pockets or his vest.

The merc will be permanently dismissed from the team.

3) The Inventory Screen

Item information
A right mouse click on an item will display information about an item, and its condition.

Equipping mercs
To equip a merc, pick an item from the left column and attach it by clicking on one of the boxes near his body. Some boxes can only be filled with suitable items. For example, you can only put helmets on the merc's head.

The armor can be improved by equipping a merc with vests and a helmet. The percentage number on the body shows the level of protection.

Merging items
Some items can be merged to get something new. To do this, put the first item into the right hand of the merc. A grey box appears under it. Then put the second item into the grey box. The merc will attempt to merge the items.

Applying camouflage
It can be applied by picking a camouflage kit and clicking on the merc's body with it.

4) The Main Screen

Mouse Controls
Left mouse button on mercSelect merc
Left mouse button on map x 2Go to cursor
Left mouse button on objectSearch / take object
Left mouse button on canteen + Left mouse button on head (inventory)Drink
Right mouse button + cursor on target + left mouse buttonUse item in hand on object
Right mouse button on merc portraitSet extra options for merc
Right mouse button on selected merc + left mouse button on selected mercCower
Keep right mouse button pressed + move mouse downShow sector map
Keep right mouse button pressed + left mouse buttonTurn to cursor direction
Keep left mouse button pressed + move mouse into directionTravel to sector

Keyboard Controls
AAbort day
CTime compression
DEnd Turn
LView last comment
MIsland map
SView skills of selected merc
TTravel to sector
VView game version
ALT + SQuick save
ALT + RQuick restore
ALT + XExit game
CTRL + left mouse buttonSearch / take object
RETURNShow enemy
SHIFT + left mouse buttonSneak
SPACESelect next merc
TABShow / hide merc portraits
TAB (map screen)Show / hide explored areas

Shooting and throwing grenades
- Put a functional gun / grenade in the right hand of the merc
- Right mouse button
- Place cursor on target
- Left mouse button to fix cursor
- Right mouse button to adjust the number of action points
- Left mouse button to fire / throw