Typed by ??? Edited by PARASITE


Lemmings is an intriguing one or two player game in which you help hordes of otherwise-mindless creatures- known as Walkers - escape over 100 hostile environments.

Lemmings drop through a trapdoor onto each screen and, as they're creatures of very little brain, they need all the help they can get to survive the dangers that lie Within.

To assist these cuddly, yet suicidally stupid creatures you use your mouse (similar to a Lemming but it has more buttons) to select a skill from the panel of icons at the base of the screen. Once highlighted you then choose a suitable Lemming, from the hundreds on screen, to perform that skill. You have a strict time limit in which to get a required percentage of little perishers through each level.

A quick Brain , the ability to plan ahead and lifetime's dedication to the Save A Lemming Campaign are required to get the right Lemming to perform the right action at the right time. A forgotten Blocker or a misplaced bridge could spell disaster for every Lemming on screen.


Load Lemmings in the usual manner until you see the Main Menu Screen.

Lemmings is organised into four increasingly difficult game categories: FUN, TRICKY, TAXING, MAYHEM. The FUN category consists of 30 levels and is designed to familiarise you with the game concept and how to work with Lemmings skill attributes. You don't have to start with this category. You can go directly to any of the higher skill categories but we suggest that you begin with at least a few of the levels in the FUN category to get the feel of the game before proceeding to the more difficult categories. TRICKY, TAXING and MAYHEM increase the difficulty with the MAYHEM level being the most difficult. Each of the Game Categories has 30 levels.


After you complete each level you are shown a password on screen. Make a note of it, as you will be able to go directly to that level when you play Lemmings again and don't wish to re-play a level you have already mastered.

Click on the One-Player icon to begin a one-player game.

Click on the Two-Player icon to begin a two-player game.

Click on the New Level icon to select a level that you've reached before. Enter the password then select a one or two player game.

Click on the Music/Fx icon to toggle between playing music and limited sound effects or no music and Full sound effects.

Click on the up/down arrows icon (on right hand side of the screen) to select a style of play: FUN is the easiest mode, followed by TRICKY, TAXING and MAYHEM (MAYHEM being the hardest). Each style features 30 levels, complete them all and you're taken to the next style up in play.

Style has no effect in a Two player Game.


Mouse (A Second Mouse is required for a two player game)

Point and click on your chosen icon (or use Z, X or the cursor keys) to highlight it then - if required - point and click on selected Lemming.

Pushing your mouse left or right to the screen edge scrolls the play area - simultaneously holding the right mouse button scrolls faster. You may also scroll the screen by dragging the cursor over the small map (right of icon panel) or instantly zoom to any area of the level by clicking in the map.

P Pauses Game

Each level displays an access password when completed.


|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
| 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 |
|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
| -- | ++ |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |

  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10   11   12


* - Decrease flow of Lemmings on to the Level

* - Increase flow of Lemmings on to the level

3 - Climber - Climbs Vertical Surfaces

4 - Floater - A brolly opens to ensure safe descent.

5 - Bomb to dispatch single Lemmings (one way to get rid of Blockers)

6 - Blocker - stands with arms outstretched to block passage of fellow

7 - Bridge Builder - Builds bridges, each limited to twelve building bricks.
    When a Lemming has laid his twelfth brick he turns to look at you for a
    moment...If you click on him again he will lay another twelve bricks and
    so on, otherwise he stops building and becomes a walker once again.

8 - Basher - Digs horizontally, will only dig when a suitable surface is
    directly ahead of him

9 - Miner - Uses a pick to dig diagonally down

10 - Digger - burrows vertically

11 - Pause - gives you time to think

12 - Nuke 'Em destroys all Lemmings - should you find yourself in a
     'no win' situation (double click to activate).

The green display to the right of the icons depicts the whole level.

The square cursor on that display depicts the current area shown on screen. Each skill level may only be used a limited number of times (shown above on each icon).

*(One-Player mode only)


Lemming Identifier, plus the number of Lemmings currently under the cursor

Number of Lemmings currently occupying the level

% of rescued Lemmings

Time remaining to complete level


In two player mode the screen is vertically divided into two by a Lemming Level Indicator. This indicator displays the amount of Lemmings each player has successfully rescued from the level.

The left player controls the blue Lemmings and the right player controls the green Lemmings (Surprise!). Each player has his own exit and competes to get as many Lemmings (either his or his opponents) safely through it.

Each player has 40 Lemmings in his team on the first level but on later levels this number is dependent on how many Lemmings where saved by individual players the previous level.

Lemmings instinctively head off in the direction of their own exit as soon as they can enter the level.

Each player has his own set of skill icons.

Pressing 'P' key pauses the game.

Both Players have to click on Nuke 'Em for Lemming Annihilation to take place.

The Two player game consists of 20 levels and is played until both players fail to rescue any Lemmings.


Metal (shown as square plates and usually used to contain liquids) can not be dug through or exploded away.

Builders stop constructing bridges:

(i) When they run out of bricks

(ii) If the bridge hits a solid object

(iii) If the Lemming hits his head while building

Miners and Diggers keep digging until they fall.

Bashers keep digging until there is no more land in front of them.

A climber or Floater retains these skills until the current level is won (or lost) or until they die - a Lemming given both these skills becomes an Athlete.

All other skill icons take effect as soon as you click on a Lemming - Care must be taken that there is something to dig in front of a Basher or he will give up straight away and you will have wasted a skill.