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Posted at 10:09 on September 26th, 2020 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
ARGH! Just finally finished the game and guess what: Hitting any button just once at the ending cinematics simply skips them. Wow, now it is not like the last couple of levels are not full of super cheap death traps and the last one does not take rote memory to finish it (and even then it takes a lot of cheap tricks like switching the vikings to avoid taking damage)… no even after I pulled it all off it annoys me yet another time!

Well, I guess anyone who has some fond memories of this game or says they really like it, has not actually finished the game. Not that I would blame them for doing so: Just stick to the first couple of levels and you can have some fun. Quit as soon as the candy levels show up, it will not get any better afterwards.
The known is finite, the unknown infinite. - Thomas Henry Huxley
Posted at 15:10 on September 20th, 2020 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
Currently replaying this one and somehow it is a lot more frustrating than I remember. My major gripe: All too easy instant deaths combined with lots of backtracking. And most of the deaths are ultra-cheap to boot: Pixel perfect jumps or timed ducking of obstacles with over reactive controls is horribly frustrating. So is a limited view of your surroundings which leads to the good old: In what kind of death trap am I dropping now? And do not get me started on the enemies! Each one takes several hits to kill, uses cheap tricks to hit you and some of them can only be killed by special means (fire arrows, bombs). Or to put it more simply: The game gives me the feeling that it does not play fair.

Which makes me wonder why this was so popular. For one I think the overall design (graphics, music) was nice, and the novelty factor of having somewhat more interactive Lemmings was nice. Plus the humour is actually quite decent.
The known is finite, the unknown infinite. - Thomas Henry Huxley
Posted at 12:00 on January 18th, 2001 | Quote | Edit | Delete
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