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Posted at 16:55 on April 28th, 2013 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Herr M.
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
Ah, I think this game is a very bad example, since the graphics certainly already sucked at its release date. Especially the main menu, which had me laughing in tears. Just take a look at that pathetic excuse of a pick-up truck! :D

Generally speaking: Back in 1998 3D still was in its teens, it was setting out to do some serious stuff but it also wasn't mature enough. ;) So of course the graphics don't look that good and age horribly, but at least some games knew how to use this new perspective. To me graphics aren't just aesthetics, but also functionality: And as nice as some 2D graphics are, there are some things that simply work better with a 3rd dimension (like any kind of exploration game).

Also any kind of serious game knows how to create atmosphere without making you think about such things. And that's were Extreme Paintbrawl horribly fails: You just have to think too much about all the things that went wrong with this game.

[color=darkblue][i]The known is finite, the unknown infinite.[/i] - Thomas Henry Huxley[/color]

Posted at 08:18 on April 27th, 2013 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Mr Creosote
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11530
Mercifully, the main part of the game, the core of the actual shooting, uses the Build-Engine, which previously had been used, with great success, for games like Duke Nukem 3D and Blood. In Extreme Paintbrawl's case it just looks dated for 1998.

Looking at the screenshots basically confirms my prejudice that games from this time have aged very badly visually. Games ten or sometimes even fifteen years older than that are much more pleasing to look at. Mathematically, they tried less, but achieved more with simpler means.

Now you see the violence inherent in the system!

Posted at 07:58 on April 27th, 2013 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Herr M.
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
Feel free to share anything about Extreme Paintbrawl (1998) here!

[color=darkblue][i]The known is finite, the unknown infinite.[/i] - Thomas Henry Huxley[/color]

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