The Good Old Days - Comics

» The Good Old Days - Comics - DC - One-Shots


From Eternia with Death

DownloadPlot: Quite simple, yet fascinating! Skeletor tries to break into Castle Grayskull, but he accidently open a portal between the galaxy of Eternia and the Earth. Superman is sucked through this gate and appears at Castle Grayskull. Skeletor manages to get control over Superman by his magic and he forces him to attack He-Man. Superman temporarily knocks He-Man out but manages to break Skeletors spell. Skeletor quickly teleports himself out of their reach. Superman returns home through a new portal.
Comments: This is the very first appearance of the Masters! DC tried to establish the new series with a simple trick: They made a crossover with the famous Superman to get the people read it.
This comic doesn't follow the very first background story as He-Man is the same as Adam, but it is still a very early version (the sorceress wears her classic snake-outfit; the story about the two halves of the sword). Prince Adam is characterized as a brave but a bit uncautious young man whom women adore. He-Man mentions that he already knew about Superman from his mother.

Fate is the Killer

DownloadPlot: During a celebration in the royal palace, Zodac appears. He says he wants to take He-Man with him. Adam rushes into the Cavern of Power and he is turned into He-Man, but the Sorceress tells him Zodac is not a threat. Instead, she warns him about Skeletor who is once again trying to combine the two halves of the Power Sword. The dark lord gets the second half from Earth with the help of Mer-Man. But Superman watches the phenomenon of the portal and he's als sucked through. On his way to Castle Grayskull, He-Man is interrupted by Zodac who demands that he comes with him. He-Man wants to fight his way through the Cosmic Enforcer but Zodac easily matches his strength. Skeletor is just about to combine the two halves when Superman arrives and grabs them. Being vulnerable to magic, he can't hold them for long though. In the very last moment he manages to throw at least one half away. He-Man catches it, escapes Zodac and rides to the castle on Battle Cat. Skeletor is just about to kill Superman when He-Man hurles his sword in Skeletor's direction. In the same moment, Skeletor casts a magic spell on He-Man. They both fall to the ground dead. But through the sword, Skeletor's life force is transferred into He-Man's body. Zodac tells him he merely wanted to save He-Man by preventing the two meet on this day. But now, He-Man has cheated his fate.
Comments: The only really interesting character in this story is Zodac. He's so mystical and superior that the ending where he seems to be good friends with He-Man and Superman looks almost ridiculous!