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Posted at 21:07 on July 22nd, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 9
It's Okay, Herr M., I constructed disk images and recovered disk 2 thanks to Vagabond's help, I sent them down the tube already.
Posted at 17:29 on July 22nd, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
Bad news: All of my Quest for Glory 4 Disks seem to have bad sectors. :( I still made images of Disk 2 and 9, maybe there is a way to recover something from them.
The known is finite, the unknown infinite. - Thomas Henry Huxley
Posted at 21:30 on July 20th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
Cool, cool.
Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.
Posted at 21:28 on July 20th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 9
Made .ima files out of them
Posted at 21:18 on July 20th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
Did you actually make the disk images or you just got all the files together and zipped them? :)Cause what people are actually interested in here is the floppy dumps... .img or .ima files. Had this not been the case i would've uploaded my installation disks myself... but those are of little worth as far as i'm concerned.. :)
Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.
Posted at 21:10 on July 20th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 9
Okay, files are down the tube to the site in a zip file.
Posted at 20:40 on July 20th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
You're welcome :)
Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.
Posted at 20:28 on July 20th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 9
I'll just upload them, I haven't really gotten far into it yet. Anyway, thanks for the help Vagabond, appreciate it alot :D
Posted at 20:17 on July 20th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
Yes, but the thing is, it shows 22:45, which isn't 9pm but 10, actually. Also, it's not really about taking time to split the files, what i meant when i said that distributors do it always differently is that it may have taken a few more instances of splitting, they didn't use the same copy with the same dates, but ran it a few more times, otherwise i can't explain the difference in timestamps. What i mean, is that your copy shows 9:xx, but another may show 10:xx and even 12:xx for ALL files. Know what i'm saying? Well, anyway.. suit yourself, but i'd personally make the exact replica. I'm a precision and authenticity nazi, i guess... :)

Yes, you just upload it, don't look for the name of the game and yes, make 6 screenshots (you can make less, but that's how i do it), starting with the title/menu screen, it's a must. Also, the character selection part wouldn't hurt either. And then just go straight into game itself. By the way, if you wanna make an actual entry on the website for your game you have to provide us with a review as well (your own review), and submitting the disk images alone would suffice. So choose what you really want to do:)
Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.
Edited by Vagabond at 20:25 on July 20th, 2014
Posted at 19:52 on July 20th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 9
Don't worry about the timestamps vagabond, when I said 9:40ish it goes from about 9:40 to 9:51, they were splitting the file with the best of 90's technology! so it took them awhile so the timestamp fits fairly well actually. Anyhoo, there does not seem to be a category for qfg4, so do I just select new when uploading files, and how should I get the screenshots? Should I just take some pics with dos box? I would scan the sierra manual, but it's too big to fit through my crappy NEAT scanner, might go to the library to take care of that one.
Edited by BillyH666 at 19:52 on July 20th, 2014
Posted at 19:22 on July 20th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
There you go:

Unfortunately, timestamps don't quite match, if you're right about 9:40. The date is ok, but the time of modification is slightly different. However, I'm sure it doesn't matter, as game distributors would often make them different, but the files must be completely identical. You can verify that by running FC on remaining resource parts and see if there are any differences. If none then be sure DISK2 is a complete copy. Same story with many other software, i've noticed it many times. However, that never makes things different should the version be exactly the same. So feel free to just change the date of creation/modification to exactly the one of your bad file, including the seconds. This is how professionals do it :)

Also, be aware, that the file is in <BOTH> directory, and its timestamp should also remain the same. I dunno how you do that, but try to find a way. If anything hit me up and we'll try to solve this issue together :)
Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.
Edited by Vagabond at 19:35 on July 20th, 2014
Posted at 18:29 on July 20th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 9
Wow, what a nice group of people! Okay, so I have VER#1.0 for MS-DOS/WIN 3.1 it also says INT#12.6.93, also, this disk 2 is screwed, completely shot, so yes Vagabond, I would love for you to provide me a spare Disk 2, the file I need is the Resource.000 file from disk 2, Funny thing is, this has given me the kick in the pants to backup my floppy games on ZIP and transfer them over to my main computer EDIT: The time stamps for the resource files, which are split btw, is December 5th, 1993 at around 9:40ish
Edited by BillyH666 at 18:55 on July 20th, 2014
Posted at 15:30 on July 20th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
OK, sorry if I got your hopes up, but it seems like I lost those files. If you want to I can dig out my old machine with the disk drive and try to make some new images (at least from the ones that are still working).

I did find a couple of floppy disk images of other Sierra games though, which I will finally upload.
The known is finite, the unknown infinite. - Thomas Henry Huxley
Posted at 09:56 on July 20th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Prof Gumby
Posts: 486

If the disk have bad sectors, I think you had better dump bad disk as twice or over three-four times.

I'll try to fix (recover) bad dumped one.
Posted at 09:00 on July 20th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
Originally posted by Moebius at 05:16 on July 20th, 2014:
P. S. You can upload stuff here:
The admins will know who it's from, and you'll receive points when they're done with it.

Yup, upload them there and they will be processed – any contribution is highly appreciated :D

Oh, and welcome to the site!
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 08:01 on July 20th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
Actually I do own the game and I do have all of the floppies and I did make images of them a long time ago, but they had bad sectors and to be honest: I simply had forgotten about them. I can't tell which floppies were broken but maybe it wasn't on Disk 2 and 9, so we could get a complete set after all. At least I had images of my backup disks (so if it isn't for the collectors value, I can offer a complete set). I just have to dig them out (have them on a external drive somewhere). Stay tuned!
The known is finite, the unknown infinite. - Thomas Henry Huxley
Posted at 05:16 on July 20th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
Interestingly enough, i've been looking for the floppy images of this game myself lately. But no, it's nowhere available online, and its proud owners are probably too douchebaggy to share it. However, i do have the original contents of the floppy disks, and both 1.0 and 1.1 versions, stored in DISK1-9 folders respectively. You could, perhaps, substitute the files in question using one of my versions, and make real floppy disk images. You'll only have to make sure all the filesizes and timestamps match. It is imperative, in my opinion, to have as much original contents of the disks as possible. Otherwise it's not a legitimate collectioner's item. Even the disks volume labels matter, i believe. Also, "working" doesn't always imply entirely consistent. Anyway, let me know if you're interested. And if anyone's interested in here, for that matter.

P. S. You can upload stuff here:
The admins will know who it's from, and you'll receive points when they're done with it.
Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.
Edited by Vagabond at 06:10 on July 20th, 2014
Posted at 02:14 on July 20th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 9
Hello all! I'm new to this site and was browsing through the disk image section and noticed that you don't seem to have Shadows of darkness on your information page, I found the game in my shack outside. The box is trashed but I have all the supplements save the registration card plus the 9 floppies. Now, disk 2 of 9 had bad sectors, so I had to Frankenstein a new disk 2 out of a full install of the game and the files I could salvage from said disk, but I tested it and it worked. I was simply wondering how I could upload these materials to the site, or even if I'm able to. Any response would be helpful, I look forward to being a member of this site! :D
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