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Posted at 10:30 on November 20th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 7

Last Post
by Lillian White
at 04:57
on September 20th, 2005

That's odd, it looks like I posted here before, but there's no message.

Please don't tell me you deleted it.
My credit card # is: Plan X Globalism, Illuminati, Big Brother, Health, Philosophy, Spirituality, Paranormal, UFOs, Counter-Surveillance, Spy Tech, Survivalist Strategies +
Posted at 16:57 on February 27th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 1
Who wants to play some AIM pool?
Out For The Count
Posted at 16:30 on February 26th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Retired Gumby
Posts: 936
Games: I'm pretty bad at all games, but I'll play pretty much all of them. Shorter games (something under an hour mostly) are better because I'm bad at planning out life and I may have to go somewhere quickly ;) I tend to like simulations but I know those are usually commercial and I don't expect anyone else to have them. I may get annoyed easily while playing RTS games, because I don't like them so much.
Software: I have ZSNES, UAE. I'll download anything as long as it is nice and free. If anyone has Combat Mission Barbraossas to Berlin I'll be happy to challenge :)
I tend to be online at random times during the day with large chunks of time, I'm also online during my evenings (GMT -5) so if you're online in Europe and want to stay up late that's fine as well ;)
Keep your stick on the ice
Posted at 03:30 on February 21st, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Prof Gumby
Posts: 432
Here's my profile.
Apart from sports and racing games(which I dislike)
I'm pretty much in for any game.The exceptions to the racing games rule are mario kart and micro machines. I tend to use snes9x, but I can switch to ZSNES when necessary.
My favourite multiplayer games tend to be RTS games or Worms-clones. If you want to lose, challenge me to a game of Warheads. :P
I have the patience for long sim-games, just not the time, unfortunately.
I tend to be online in the evening (GMT+1)

Hardware: p3 1GHz, 256 meg ram, 20 gb harddrive,
Geforce 2 Ti 64 mb RAM, windows ME with just about every "feature" disabled, 512 kilobit downstream, 256 kilobit upstream.
Connection and OS are both, strange as it may sound, very reliable.
If it ain't broken, you're not trying hard enough.
Posted at 10:21 on February 17th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Retired Gumby
Posts: 964
Games: I prefer rather simple games for multiplayer that you can quickly learn how to play. Everything else requires some off-line training.

Software: ZSNES, UAE, Kahn, whereas ZSNES turned out to be the easiest and most stable one.

Hardware: DSL, don't know the exact capacity, more than 200KB/s down, more than 20KB/s up - should be fast enough to play and host.

How about creating a list of recommended multiplayer (online) games?
Posted at 16:38 on February 16th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11154
Here's my own 'profile':

Playing pretty much any type of (classic) game, from action to strategy. I suck at anything requiring fast reaction times, though, and I may also not the best player in strategy games (I'm just good at figuring out how AI players act and how to deal with them - useless against other humans). I don't take it all too seriously, though, so it doesn't matter if I constantly lose ;)

If a game bores me, I will say so, so don't expect me to play some crappy Double Dragon clone with you for hours. On the other hand, if you're planning to challenge me in a more complex game like The Settlers or Imperialism, make sure you bring enough time along. I don't really like playing such games for only half an hour, then saving and returning to it on another day.

What I've used so far for online games is ZSNES (SNES games), UAE (Amiga games) and Kahn (PC games using IPX). All of them are working reasonably easy, although I'm usually not able to 'host' games. Anything else is fine, of course, provided we're talking about something I can get for free and which I'm able to run.

You can usually catch me online in the evening hours (CET/GMT). The best way is UCQ (70276130), alternatively, you can use the forum messenger (less 'immediate', though).

Edited by Mr Creosote at 10:07 on February, 17th 2005
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 16:27 on February 16th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11154
No, I won't start yet another tournament. Way too much work. What about this, though: Everybody who is willing to play games against others online replies to this thread, stating their game preferences, technical capabilities and time when he / she is usually online, and then people can contact each other for some challenges when they feel like it.
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
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