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Posted at 21:58 on January 13th, 2007 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Retired Gumby
Posts: 1092
The friend that lend them to me doesn't remember anything about the computer, but if it was the same there was in the old flat we use for playing consoles and board games (which had civilization installed), and looking at some of the other games the diskettes are from 1991. I suppose that is hopelessly old.
Edited by Wandrell at 21:59 on January 13th, 2007
Posted at 23:01 on January 11th, 2007 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
The text is easy, it just says it contains 10 3.5" floppy disks (double-sided high density disks, 'TPI' is 'tracks per inch', i.e. the density again). 'Der grüne Punkt' is a non-technical (unrelated) label which indicates the type of trash the disks should be put into (it's the name of a recycling scheme, roughly translates into 'the green spot').

If you can 'look through' the closable hole, the disk is write-protected. I advise you do this for all the disks.

What's still open is the question of the type of computer used to write to these disks. There are vast differences in the capabilities of 'historical' floppy controllers, and the ones used in IBM compatibles are one of the most limited type, meaning it's unable to cope with pretty much everything not formatted/written by the very same type.
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 22:39 on January 11th, 2007 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Retired Gumby
Posts: 1092
Well, they are old games, some of them may be interesting but not so much as for paying recovery. I barely remember older disk versions to this one, so I do not even know the name, looks like one of the diskettes you can still buy in some places: square, non-magnetic mobile metal piece covering part of a magnetic disk, haves two square holes in the corners, one can be closed (I can't remember which position is for avoiding writing and this disk doesn't mark it.

They say it's HD diskettes, one of them haves text in german (all the others in english), so as I find funny writing in a language that I do not understand, but the reader does (even thought there is little to understand):
10 stück 3.5"
disketten 2hd
135 TPI

And "Der drüne punkt", but that's in a label.
Posted at 19:32 on January 11th, 2007 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11336
A couple of points to consider:

'Two holes kind' tells only little about the actual kind. Make sure your drive is compatible with this kind of of disk. Since you apparantely could cram the disk into the drive, the size seems to fit. However, are the disks single-sided, double-sided, high density, double density, quad density, extended density or whatever?

What's probably even more relevant and complicated is the file system. With which operating system were these disks formatted? Your current floppy controller might not be able to deal with this format.

Finally, the disks may just have gone bad. If they've just been lying around for years, chances are this is the case. There are disk recovery tools, but if used the wrong way or in the wrong situation, they might even destroy the data even further. This kind of low-level data recovery should only be handled by specialists, and that's extremely expensive. Depends how important it is to you...
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 18:04 on January 11th, 2007 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Retired Gumby
Posts: 1092
I have a bunch of old diskettes in which I wish to take a look, but windows seems unable to read them, I have tried Dosbox, but as I feared it doesn't work either. They are of the two holes kind.

Does anybody know what to do?
Edited by Wandrell at 18:05 on January 11th, 2007
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