Attic of the Underdogs

Kingdom of Hamil

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Review by Underdogs:
An ambitious fantasy IF that is captivating yet frustrating at the same time, Kingdom of Hamil is a cliché regain-your-rightful-throne game done right: with plenty of good writing, atmosphere, and even some plot development-- a rare thing indeed for a Topologika game. Hamil also differs from other Topologika titles in that it is actually more user friendly. While the game is still as hard as IF goes, there are many more clues and hints that an astute player will be able to see (or read between the lines). This makes solving puzzles a less frustrating experience. It is also not as long as some Topologika titles (e.g. Acheton), making it more manageable. I especially like the mathematics-inspired puzzles that require both deduction and some math skills to solve-- they are very clever, and quite memorable. Overall, Kingdom of Hamil is a fun game that is much more accessible than many of Topologika's offerings, although the parser is still very inflexible compared to Infocom's.
Average Rating:5.25 [4 votes]
Genre:Interactive Fiction
Designer:Jonathan Partington
Software Copyright:Topologika
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More Info:Mobygames | The Web
System Requirements:DOS
If you like this game, try:Varicella, Murdac, Nine Princes in Amber
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