Attic of the Underdogs

All Things Devours

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Review by Underdogs:
All Thing Devours is a superb trial-and-error science fiction game that ranks among one of the most ingenious text adventures ever made. The review at SPAG should convince all IF fans why they should try this game:

"You play a young scientist who had been working on a world-shattering project, but was kicked out of it as the military took it over. Sensing the fatal consequences the continuation of those explorations might have, she decides to put an end to them by infiltrating her former lab and blowing it up with all its contents. Sure, all this sounds (and actually *is*) fairly generic, although the author hasn't left his main character entirely without background; he tried really hard to flesh her out (for instance, I liked the description of the photo on the PC's ID card). The thing is, the game format doesn't offer much space for that.

[The puzzle framework] is mostly based on the idea of time-travelling; sure, there are enough text adventures using this concept (beginning with the classic Sorcerer by Infocom), but scarcely any implementing it as consistent and consequent. And I use the term ""framework"" on purpose: the whole game is built around and determined by constructing a sequence of actions leading to success. (There are multiple paths to victory, by the way.) While doing that, the player has to account for a number of time-travel side effects and paradoxes, some of which he can use to his benefit, while others are to avoid. It was a real thrill.

In fact, it was so much of a thrill that another feature some IF-purists might consider to be a drawback almost escaped my attention: in order to reach the winning ending, you'd need a few restarts -- a rather typical case of ""learning from dying"". Well, personally, I don't have anything against such a game device, but since modern IF-standards (whoever wrote 'em ;) generally don't countenance it I've had to mention it here.

Initially, I also was going to nag at the fact that the protagonist

Average Rating:8.42 [7 votes]
Genre:Interactive Fiction
Designer:Toby Ord
Software Copyright:Toby Ord
Theme:Science Fiction
Related Links:Official site
More Info:Mobygames | The Web
System Requirements:Inform
If you like this game, try:Rematch, Glowgrass
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