
Language: English
Licence: Freeware
System: PC
Views: 4935
Review by Jeff (2004-03-22)

Overview - RESTART.COM is an excellent way of restarting the computer from Windows. Extracted from the Windows 98 startup disk cab files, you can place this into any path that your system runs from, and execute it. NOTE - You should be in a pure DOS mode of some sort to use this file, as it will completely screw things up if run from a DOS window.
Description - Upon browsing the Windows 98 startup disk one day, I came across this little gem and immediately knew this was something to have. If you frequently go into pure DOS modes, or restart Windows in "Safe Mode Command Prompt Only" then this is something you need. What it does is exactly how it sounds; it forces a soft reset of your computer, and allows you to reboot. It does this in the same way as if you pressed the reset button on the front of your machine! DOS maniacs like myself can find this useful if making an automated batch file that needs to restart the system when finished, and anyone who's tower is in an out-of-the-way place can really benefit from this file. Simply put this file in your path (like C:WINDOWS, C:DOS, or even just C:) and when at the command prompt, type in RESTART. The computer will then do a soft reset, and boot as normal...Pro users who haven't discovered this gem will find it invariably useful, and those who have know how useful it can be!
Type - FREEWARE (included in Windows 98 startup disk).
Compatibility - MS-DOS, PC-DOS, DR-DOS, Windows 9x (Pure DOS sessions only, no DOS Windows) and any other DOS-based app you can think of.


