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Posted at 15:40 on August 1st, 2011 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 3
Thanks for the info.
Edited by lukeman3000 at 22:34 on April 19th, 2012
Posted at 14:56 on August 1st, 2011 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11166
Originally posted by lukeman3000 at 12:54 on August 1st, 2011:
Originally posted by Mr Creosote at 14:21 on July 29th, 2011:
2, 3, 4.

Wow, those were some easily filled requests!

Lol, I feel dumb. However, I searched "space quest" in the game box (at the top of the screen), only space quest I-III show up..

Yes, that search does not cover disk-image-only entries. Admittedly, this is not transparent for the users.

Anyways, I noticed that out of those three that you graciously linked me to, only KQIV actually has a download link.. Or am I missing something?

No, it's a bit complicated, but rest assured, these other disks are present in the collection.

Edit: Just to add, I downloaded the space quest IV-VI collection from gog, and the space quest 5 files do not work with a certain patch I'm trying to use (which requires the original game files). Somewhat frustrating that they do not include all of the original files.

I perfectly agree - as documented in those older threads about that store :)
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 12:54 on August 1st, 2011 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 3
Originally posted by Mr Creosote at 14:21 on July 29th, 2011:
2, 3, 4.

Wow, those were some easily filled requests!

Lol, I feel dumb. However, I searched "space quest" in the game box (at the top of the screen), only space quest I-III show up..

Anyways, I noticed that out of those three that you graciously linked me to, only KQIV actually has a download link.. Or am I missing something? The original files off of the space quest V disks are the most coveted to me.. I have every other (sq) game and I cannot find this one. I'd rather not buy off ebay because all of the auctions say that they haven't tested the disks. And while it's at most 15 or 20 bucks for a used copy, I don't have a job right now and I'm trying to save money.

I also just noticed the points system. Guess I'd better start contributing! I think some of the space quest games need contributions -- I'm on that.

Edit: Just to add, I downloaded the space quest IV-VI collection from gog, and the space quest 5 files do not work with a certain patch I'm trying to use (which requires the original game files). Somewhat frustrating that they do not include all of the original files.
Edited by lukeman3000 at 12:59 on August 1st, 2011
Posted at 14:21 on July 29th, 2011 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11166
2, 3, 4.

Wow, those were some easily filled requests!
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 12:23 on July 29th, 2011 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Retired Gumby
Posts: 1092
Right now the disk collection is going too slowly, hope it will improve now that we are getting into real summer (I'm in charge of it, by the way). But you can reach the list with the images we have sorted Going to requests > disk images.
Posted at 09:52 on July 29th, 2011 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 3
Hello; I'm new here, so I don't really know how things work. But I have a couple requests if anyone is reading this:

1. King's Quest IV AGI
2. King's Quest IV SCI
3. Space Quest V
4. Quest for Glory III

If anyone has any or all of those games (in their unadulterated format), it would be greatly appreciated!
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