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Posted at 13:09 on September 24th, 2017 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11192
Everybody, please! Could you tone it down two levels? If you know you don't get along with a particular person, then don't engage them on a personal/emotional level. It is as simple as that.

If you want to discuss good behavioural practices or site policy, feel free to open a new topic for each issue, but then please keep it at a "professional" level.

P.S. To answer one of the rhetoric questions asked earlier: "foe" lists exist in some board scripts, because they are modelled after classic newsgroups. Newsreaders support killfiles and the developers of web boards tried to imitate all they found in the newsgroup experience. What they did not consider was that this function was introduced due to lack of moderation power within such newsgroups: no authority who could silence trolls etc. existed.
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Edited by Mr Creosote at 13:11 on September 24th, 2017
Posted at 12:58 on September 24th, 2017 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
I understand that GoodOldDays isn't possible to accept or add foe (ignore) list.

Did that make you cry?

So I deceided to ignore and delete the message before reading.

Brilliant! But I've got a better idea: how about you ignore and delete yourself? That should definitely solve your problem!

Fortunately, I blocked the email from bumping users.

Bumping? You mean... humping? You sure got a lot of horny fans! What kind of celebrity are you? Justin Bieber?

Do Not request any program / games from me.
Please buy the game and software by yourself.

How about we charge you for every game you download from our archive/ftp? You know, someone bought those floppies and you're getting it for free. Don't you think it's a little unfair, darling?

I always delete the dumped games when the screenshot is saved.

Oh, is that a fact? And then you use only real floppies, right? Now, seriously dude, you should better work on those lies of yours, cause they are a little too pathetic to read. It's not that you don't want to share, it's your right after all, but now you're showing utter disrespect by persistently trying to insult our intelligence. Better quit and find yourself a lover instead.
Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.
Edited by Vagabond at 13:49 on September 24th, 2017
Posted at 11:33 on September 24th, 2017 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Prof Gumby
Posts: 486
I understand that GoodOldDays isn't possible to accept or add foe (ignore) list.

So I deceided to ignore and delete the message before reading.

Fortunately, I blocked the email from bumping users.

Do Not request any program / games from me.
Please buy the game and software by yourself.

I always delete the dumped games when the screenshot is saved.
Edited by Vagabond at 12:59 on September 24th, 2017
Posted at 10:24 on September 24th, 2017 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 8
Originally posted by core at 03:22 on September 24th, 2017:
I received any spam(?) or stupid message.

So foe/ignore list is needed not to receive these message.

How do you think, ignoring other users is stupid or not? I've sent you 4 absolutely friendly personal messages in total, none of them was answered. So, please think twice and maybe you'll understand which behavior is stupid and which is not. Peace.
Old games addict :D
Posted at 04:57 on September 24th, 2017 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
I received any spam(?) or stupid message.

From me personally you received a blessing for your sweet love affair. Please, accept that date, don't be such a spoil sport.

So foe/ignore list is needed not to receive these message.

See, he craves for you so much he's now trying to speak your language. What are you waiting for, man?!
Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.
Posted at 03:22 on September 24th, 2017 | Quote | Edit | Delete | Delete Attachment
Prof Gumby
Posts: 486
I received any spam(?) or stupid message.

So foe/ignore list is needed not to receive these message.
Attachment: *****
Edited by ibmpc5150 at 03:34 on September 24th, 2017
Posted at 09:27 on September 21st, 2017 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
It is Not imfortant for me.

You mean, a "foe" list is more important to you than a healthy relationship? Damn, dude.. that's so morbid. What's with the hostile attitude and obsession with foes? Ever heard the famous 20th century slogan "Make Love, Not War"? I think, what you really need is a good boyfriend who could help you out of your misery. He will mitigate your martial spirit with tons of love and care and maybe then you will stop constantly seeking foes and engaging in hostilities. Don't ignore it, just accept that date and step towards light, freedom and love!
Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.
Posted at 07:15 on September 21st, 2017 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Prof Gumby
Posts: 486

It is Not imfortant for me.

If not, why another site exists foe (ignore) function?

Of couse I only asked the question about it.
Posted at 03:10 on September 21st, 2017 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
ibmpc5150, is some guy persistently asking you for a date? Think twice, it could be true love!
Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.
Posted at 18:59 on September 20th, 2017 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11192
I don't know what BA is. In any case, I do believe the few people frequenting here should be able to get along following common rules of civility.
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 18:39 on September 20th, 2017 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Prof Gumby
Posts: 486
I think this site seems not to have foe (ignore) list.

I don't want to receive any message and don't want to see any user's message.

BA has foe (ignore) list.

I wonder it is possible to add foe (ignore) list.
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