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Posted at 07:36 on May 20th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Dr Gumby
Posts: 267
My pleasure and the very reason I have my site ...
Lets make this a beefy place
Posted at 05:44 on May 20th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Bachelor Gumby
Posts: 40
Trudat. Meanwhile, I looked at your site and got interested in Empire again. Thanks.
Posted at 13:56 on May 17th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Dr Gumby
Posts: 267
In the long run it is the 'stupid' webmasters fault. But there are so many things to know, and yet so little time to do it all in.
Lets make this a beefy place
Posted at 06:55 on May 16th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Bachelor Gumby
Posts: 40
Yep. It's up to the admins to keep a lid on their indexes, and change the default passwords that come with installs of Cold Fusion, Oracle, etc.

Then again, the poor things are probably too busy retrieving the manager's mail again after his nth PIM sync f***-up.
Posted at 05:01 on May 16th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11192
Isn't it all the stupid "webmasters'" fault, though? Google's bot obeys robots.txt as well as the robots meta tag in HTML. If everything else fails, there's still .htaccess to keep bots out. People who let their 'secrets' be indexed or even cached are really asking for trouble.
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 10:17 on May 15th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Bachelor Gumby
Posts: 40
It's not *that* bad, but it's true that there's a lot of stuff accessible that perhaps should be kept away from tender souls. Like certain people's Winamp playlists.
Posted at 11:36 on May 5th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Retired Gumby
Posts: 936
Yes, anyone using the Google Web Accelerator gets every webpage they view cached at the google servers, even password protected and private pages.
Keep your stick on the ice
Posted at 15:38 on May 4th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Retired Gumby
Posts: 740
Pfft! I've been doing that for ages. Google indexes many pages that you can't normally get to, and then they make a cache of them. Makes it very easy to get places you aren't supposed to go.
At the end of the day, you're left with a bent fork & a pissed off rhino.
Posted at 15:12 on May 3rd, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Dr Gumby
Posts: 267
I read an aricle in a magezine this afternoon (yes a real paper one :P) about google hacks. Basically the hackers use google to find information about a site that they weren't suppose to. The article linked to this site:

But I guess that there are a lot more things to be found if you use Google :D
Lets make this a beefy place
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