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Posted at 02:01 on July 11th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11191
On the links page?
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 14:08 on July 10th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Student Gumby
Posts: 21
Yeah im sure ill find one... just need something dead simple just for as i say protecting the bandwidth on muh free server acct... even though i doubt i will ever get through it because the site will never be that small...

Is there a button link anywhere for ? couldnt find one.
Posted at 17:15 on July 9th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Retired Gumby
Posts: 964
You can make a members section with PHP, but also with Perl for example. So either you have to learn such a language or you simply download and install a script. How about this link? ;) I'm sure there are dozens of scripts that do what you need.
Posted at 16:53 on July 9th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Student Gumby
Posts: 21
well, im fine with html... its just css... but... i have an idea in my head now so im gunna just make one anyways...

i just need to find the scripts to go in it... but no rush to do that..

ill probably use ikonboard, because im most confident with that..

k.. the only problem i will have now is making a members only section...

i dont understand how to do that at all..

i want like to have a section for login which leads to a downloads section... because only the clan members will be granted download access. I dont need a registration area really because the password can just be issued when they join the clan... if i did have a registration area then i would need to be able to manually approve the account before they would have access to the files.

so thats my problem now - Setting up a members only download section (and i have NO CLUE where to start.... anyone? )

(yes yes, i always have some kind of problem, its because i think too much... it hurts... and problems just start to happen left right and center....)
Posted at 16:46 on July 9th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Retired Gumby
Posts: 964
Eventually, it depends on the kind of site you want to make. In my opinion, "content management systems" are unnecessary in 90% of all cases where they're in use. Most people are to lazy to configure them properly, and finally they have loads of redundant subcategories. Why not making your own site that perfectly suits your needs? It's all easy HTML plus some CSS if you like. PHP is useful for larger sites of course, but even then I prefer my own scripts or integrating single precast scripts instead of an all-in-one solution.

Edit: As for the layout, I think there are hundreds of ready templates out there that have such a "boxy style".

Edited by Tapuak at 00:51 on July, 09th 2005
Posted at 16:36 on July 9th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Student Gumby
Posts: 21
what i mean, is like...

a Content manager... i know its not the layout as such... but just that it has everything else rolled in... they average about 50+ scripts to manage a complete site which is capable of basicly anything...

basics like polls etc all the way to E-Commerce..

ccs would do it and i can easily include scripts of all kinds into the site.. i just need a smart template then... rather than making one... since i dont know ccs i think a template would be the best way for me to go right now..

yes no ?
Posted at 16:24 on July 9th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11191
Er... I'm not sure what you mean there. PHP isn't a layout engine, but a scripting language. It controls stuff which is going on 'under the hood', and not what the user sees. If you're after a certain look for a website, it's CSS you want to learn and not PHP.

As for recommending something, I can't help you there. Never used any of these pre-made 'things'. I loathe them.
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 16:17 on July 9th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Student Gumby
Posts: 21
k, did that... but brings another error...

I have a feeling this will be a constant struggle...

so im going to leave it as a lost cause..

Does anyone know of very very simple (cus i is dumb) pre-made php content manager?

There are hundreds out there but if there is one that somone has used before it would be easier incase i do have a problem....

I tried PHP-Nuke but got loads of problems with that one too...

any other suggestions?

Basicly the site is going to be for a Clan Website... and rather than just using bog standard html i wanted to use php because i cant seem to find an easy way of creating the ' boxxy style ' using html... i mean i have done it with tables but it is so damn time consuming to do....

if i can avoid php then thats fine, i just want a simple way to make a site layout that is similar to
Posted at 16:08 on July 9th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11191
Make that .txt instead of .text :P

Anyway, as I expected. Replace

function clear_parse ()


/* function clear_parse ()
} */
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 16:01 on July 9th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Student Gumby
Posts: 21
Sorry, my bad thought it was veiwable *doh*

im throwing myself in the deep end because i simply want a php site =) and this way i have a site and can see about messing with it to learn that way... i don need to learn much... i start a course in september ;)

Edited by Silmaril at 00:03 on July, 09th 2005
Posted at 15:59 on July 9th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11191
The function clear_parse() starts in line 838, but it has already been defined before. Just check where and comment one of the two out (commenting works in C style, i.e. /* comment */).

I doubt there's much to learn by getting full-fledged finished scripts, though. 838 lines is already a lot in a scripting language. My advice is to start with something simple.
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 15:52 on July 9th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Retired Gumby
Posts: 964
Well, it's hardly possible to find out the problem without the source code.

I think it's better to write your own simple scripts in order to learn PHP anyway.
Posted at 15:21 on July 9th, 2005 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Student Gumby
Posts: 21
Well, im setting up a site (as i always am i guess...) but im trying to learn php in the process so im learning through a pre made design... called

webgenerator-x [ which is no longer supported cos its old ]

I have got it all installed fine... but the thing is there is an error when you try to call this file:

and as i dont know php i dont have a clue how to fix..

any help?
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