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New Members

Posted at 16:39 on January 14th, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11255
Enjoy your stay, Jessica!
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 03:03 on January 22nd, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 2

I'm Chris from USA...found this site while searching for a PCjr version of the classic Alley Cat! Happy to see so many folks still interested in these great games of the early PC era...looking forward to catching up!
Posted at 14:20 on January 24th, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 2
I have no idea how I got here but I love it :D
Posted at 05:09 on February 3rd, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 3
Hello Dave from the US here was searching for Murder Makes Strange Deadfellows and found this site, it looks great.
Posted at 19:40 on February 4th, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11255
That's not a game many people are looking for and even fewer have played it. You have a rare taste!
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 22:57 on February 16th, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 3
Nice place!
Posted at 11:41 on March 1st, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Bachelor Gumby
Posts: 42
Nice place!

Spread the word!
Posted at 20:06 on March 3rd, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 1
Well, been gaming before the PC's came onto the market when I played Oregon Trail on the Apple 2, bought my first PC as a kid (Tandy 1000 ES), worked a lot of hours to afford that bad boy back in the day. Old Dos game lover. The only one I kept over the years was one called "Below the Root" Still have the original box and 5.25 Floppy. No drive to test it's integrity in, but I held onto at least one game, since the ex made me toss the other stuff I had archived. Pleasure to meet you all and hope to find the original Might and Magic 1.

- Tom
Posted at 20:19 on March 3rd, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11255
Looking forward to your view on Below the Root :D
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 22:17 on March 4th, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 2
Hello. I'm here because of the German manager game Der Planer. I like your site.

Is it only DOS games or are you covering Windows games as well?
Posted at 00:05 on March 9th, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 1
Welcome! Bienvenue !
Posted at 13:26 on March 10th, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 2
Hi I´m Tony from Germany, i found this site on my search for Die Fugger 2. This game is a fond childhood memory for me :)
Posted at 01:19 on March 20th, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 2
I was told I need to introduce myself and make a menace in the process. I've been hunting one particular game for 18 years at this point, and I'm still searching. I know it's an RPG, I know it's got destructible furniture, I know it's from before 2005 and came on PC. That's all I've got besides some snippets of memory about the intro and first area.

Looking forward to seeing if I stick around, and learning about all these other games I haven't touched up on yet. I already see some good stuff lying in the archives.
Posted at 12:09 on April 2nd, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 2
Hi, nice to meet you! !
Posted at 19:43 on April 21st, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 3
Here for Amiga content, mainly, having just got an A500 Mini, and needing manuals for games, some more obscure than others.

Gaming history: Atari VCS (it was never called the 2600 in the time I owned one!), then jumped from consoles to home computers: Sharp MZ80A, VIC-20, C64, Amiga 1000, Amiga 500, Amiga 4000, finally a Pentium PC. Filled in the gaps with an Atari 400, Atari Lynx, Atari ST, Amiga 600 and 1200 plus a CD32 along the way. Took an ill-advised detour briefly as a 'collector' of retro, which has unfortunately turned me into a hoarder.
Posted at 16:39 on April 27th, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 1
Hi! Came across this site while browsing through old games that came up to my memory... it's nice to see there's an active community behind it! Hope you can all enjoy playing! :)
Posted at 17:14 on May 2nd, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 3
hi everyone i like old dos games and i cant wait to try them all and i used to own the 2000 games pc dos disk so ya im waiting to donwload proliferation which is a great game back in the day.

Posted at 18:04 on May 7th, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 2
Hi everyone. I came here looking to rediscover the games I played in my youth. Thanks for keeping these games alive and available!
Posted at 13:27 on May 15th, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 2
Hey, greetings from La Plata, Argentina! Found this place after looking for Banner Mania and other obscure, ancient DOS apps I remember from my childhood in the 80's.
Posted at 17:07 on May 16th, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 1
Hi everyone!

Just joined the site and it's great to see that these classics are being kept alive. There is a lot of focus on classic games for consoles, but not nearly enough for computer games like C64, Amiga and DOS and even less for other 8-bit and 16-bit computers. Great to see the old classics not being forgotten! :)
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