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New Members

Posted at 17:07 on February 17th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11255
It's really strange how prevalent this masochistic streak is in humankind as a whole ;)
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 22:29 on February 17th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
Hello svensker!

Originally posted by svensker at 13:58 on February 15th, 2014:
Anyway, it looks like the perfect home for me, a collector of ridiculously oversized PC game boxes and other stuff from days gone by.

It's really incredible how large those boxes were and that there once were manuals and feelies that expanded the games beyond the actual software. They use(d) up a lot of space too, tough.

It's really strange how prevalent this masochistic streak is in humankind as a whole ;)

Maybe those games aren't that horrible after all? :P
The known is finite, the unknown infinite. - Thomas Henry Huxley
Posted at 08:29 on February 18th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11255
Originally posted by Herr M. at 22:29 on February 17th, 2014:

It's really strange how prevalent this masochistic streak is in humankind as a whole ;)

Maybe those games aren't that horrible after all? :P

Those are the two possible options. Lacking a scientific study, all we can do is look inside ourselves to see which one is true ;)
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 14:06 on May 11th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 1
Hi all,

new to the forum and I'm trying to learn me way around. I am reading up on contributing and can't seem to find how to add reviews since that's one area I can start contributing with, since I got a couple of classic old games I love from over twenty years ago.

I came upon this site as I was looking for disk images of old games like Ultima 7 part 2. I use to own the game about 21 years ago and just bought a used copy and I was able to backup most of the disks except for #3. I use a program that repeatedly scans the disks, but disk 3 seems to have nothing that can be retrieved.

I also bought an old laptop to play old games on, but it hasn't arrived yet.

My two favorite games are the first two I ever owned:

Ultima 6 - The False Prophet

Ultima 7 Part II - Serpent Isle + the addon The Silver Seed.

I have quite a few manuals, a code wheel from D&D games, covers from several games and so if these items are contribute-able, I'd like to help since I think archiving these old games in disk format is the right thing to do. I just need to figure out how to go about sharing in the format this community thinks best.
Posted at 08:47 on May 12th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11255
Hi LarnConner,

welcome to our website! As far as I can see, you found the way to enter reviews by now :) I will get back to you on that as soon as possible.

Document scans are also always welcome if the respective game already has an entry in the main games section (not just in the disk image list). Of one doesn't appear there yet, no worries - we're looking forward to you simply entering it as well ;)

Most importantly, though, enjoy your stay!
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 10:14 on June 16th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 2
hello there, i am a noob, you may all point and laugh at me!
Posted at 11:12 on June 16th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11255
Originally posted by RGB at 10:14 on June 16th, 2014:
hello there, i am a noob, you may all point and laugh at me!

I'm afraid we don't have a smiley for that. Welcome!
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 07:58 on July 19th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
Although a bit too late, but.. here i am, not a fresh, but still quite new member who's sincerely willing to contribute as much to the site as possible :)
Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.
Posted at 19:22 on July 20th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 1
Just a little about myself, most importantly what drew me to this site. I was born in the late '60s, and I was the only kid on my block to have a Pong gaming system (the one from Montgomery Wards who is now out of business). I also bought a Tandy 1000 in the early '80s and from there my love of games went wild with the original Rogue from Epyx being my first. I also bought Wizardry, which forced me to upgrade from 128k ram to 256k ram ($800 for that upgrade, and the memory was the size of a modern day graphics card if not bigger). I did not have a hard disk, so I had to learn how to make my own boot disks for every game I ever played. I had dual low density 5.25" floppies, and never thought about getting a hard drive for it. Besides the games I've already mentioned I can add to that Ancient Art of War (original brand new in box), all of the Kings Quest series in fact all of the Sierra games line, and Dungeons and Dragons Pools of Radiance. There were others but these were the most memorable to me. Later when I bought my first real computer, 486DX2/66 with 8MB Ram and 160MB HD (I was literally beside myself at the difference). I played Ultima Underworld, The original un-modded Doom - later mods kept that game fresh (anyone remember aliens doom). I remember the feeling of the need to upgrade when Diablo came out, and then again for Half Life. These two games would literally keep me spellbound. Well, I don't do a lot of gaming right now at the moment. Seems there are way too many good titles out there and not enough time; not to mention too many gaming platforms upon which to play them. So now I'm getting into retro gaming and introducing my sons to the original worlds of wonder. I've been able to find original disk images of DOS6.22/WIN3.11 and ROGUE. If any one needs them hit me up. No promises of when I'll get back to you, but just know that I will.
Posted at 19:32 on July 20th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
Heh... "just a little about myself" you say, eh... :)
Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.
Posted at 20:17 on July 20th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11255
We should frame that introduction and hang it on our virtual website wall – welcome, c0mmand3r! :D
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 20:22 on July 21st, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
Originally posted by c0mmand3r at 19:22 on July 20th, 2014:
I also bought Wizardry, which forced me to upgrade from 128k ram to 256k ram ($800 for that upgrade, and the memory was the size of a modern day graphics card if not bigger).

Welcome c0mmand3r! I envy you a bit, for playing those games back when they were new and groundbreaking. I tried to get into Wizardry a couple of times, but while I believe that they were very cool games back then, I am so spoilt by 'modern' games that Bard's Tale was the absolute limit I could take.

And a belated welcome to Vagabond too!
The known is finite, the unknown infinite. - Thomas Henry Huxley
Posted at 06:21 on July 27th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Pupil Gumby
Posts: 16
Hey all,

Just stumbled upon this site and its great to see all those floppy images that have been persevered. I would love to help out anyway possible, I have collected quite a few floppy images that I have downloaded from other sites, though, the majority are from UG before they went down. I'm still trying to figure out the contribution system and how it works. Regardless, I'm happy to have discovered this site and to be apart of this great community.
Edited by GuardianBob at 06:22 on July 27th, 2014
Posted at 08:37 on July 30th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 1
Hello, I'm just here looking for old games from childhood. Anybody remember Wizard's Crown, it was my first game addiction; though not sure I can handle the play style now.
Posted at 15:16 on July 30th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11255
Heh, those old-style RPGs are indeed a little hard to process nowadays. They expected a lot of patience :)
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 12:11 on August 2nd, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 3
Hi All,

Just new to this site today. Besides contributing to the site, hoping to grab original disk images in the future.

However, seems like many games don't have download links (I don't mean just disk images only). Have these IP trolls sent take down notices?

Got a few bought games that I have create disk images out of and hoping to contribute but afraid they may never see the light of day. Can create even more if I can get hold of an old 5.25 drive.
Posted at 16:03 on August 2nd, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
Hi there, T1000Gamer!

Originally posted by T1000Gamer at 12:11 on August 2nd, 2014:
However, seems like many games don't have download links (I don't mean just disk images only).

We do not offer downloads for each game for various reasons, mostly out of legal considerations. But there might be different reasons too like saving server bandwith in case of large files or contributors simlpy forgetting to offer the files. If you miss a game in particular just ask.

Originally posted by T1000Gamer at 12:11 on August 2nd, 2014:
Got a few bought games that I have create disk images out of and hoping to contribute but afraid they may never see the light of day.

Afraid because the disks might be broken or that we won't share them?

Originally posted by T1000Gamer at 12:11 on August 2nd, 2014:
Can create even more if I can get hold of an old 5.25 drive.

That might be really tricky and as far as I know those really floppy disks are a lot more touchy than their 3.5' brothers. Still: Never give up hope! :D
The known is finite, the unknown infinite. - Thomas Henry Huxley
Posted at 14:42 on October 26th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 1
Hi everybody. I'm glad found this forum for old games in the past. I hoping you can read my English as well. I researching about LucasArts has protect game by enter the password via found in the manual. I felt these protected (not copy) image disks can download if you have own original game plus manual book. For e.g. Monkey Island, Day of The Tentacle and Sam & Max.
Posted at 16:37 on October 26th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11255
Hi LimOldGames! Old copy protection indeed turns into playing prevention much more often than you would think
any particular game you're having a problem with?
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 14:02 on November 7th, 2014 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 1
Hi all,

just registered yesterday and still learning my way around...
I'm from Portugal and arrived here while searching the internets for disk images for Day of the Tentacle, I own a boxed copy but only the firt floppy works :(
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