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Now that this year's IF Comp is running, it was only appropriate to also have something similar in our main site theme. After all, thirty years ago, text adventures were the booming genre! Feasibility Experiment is a good one to present to you, because it fulfils two functions in this context. First of all, it is a fairly good one which could still be of interest to open-minded players. Second, it also illustrates how much the genre has evolved over the years.

The typical current IF Comp game is very different from the gameplay style found in Feasibility Experiment. Oh, sure, about every year, there are one or two nostalgia pieces in classic style, like last year's Castle Adventure, Luster (which was basically the attempt to remake this 1983 classic if I'm not mistaken) the year before or R in 2010. The bulk of the modern-day text adventures is much more simplistic in its gameplay, much more forgiving to player blundering and often much more focused on storytelling. For better or worse – that's up to everyone to decide for herself; objectively it's just different.

Mr Creosote


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