News Archive


Well, well, well! What do we have here? Two deserters? Up with you! Get back in line!

Sorry, wrong story. Actually, we're here to celebrate the 16th Site Anniversary! Though what could I possibly say which hasn't been said a hundred times over in all these years?

So instead of falling into the usual sermon about the past, I'll just use this opportunity to talk about the future and remind everyone of the game challenge Herr M. announced earlier. I've been wrecking my brain about some of these categories; it's much tougher than it sounds – why not join in and give it a try?

Talking about tough, for my second entry (I already snuck in one earlier this month, did you notice?), I really dug deeply into an extremely hard one for the challenge to finally finish a game I had never before beaten: Ancient Domains of Mystery, which, incidentally, received a major upgrade end of last year.

Mr Creosote


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