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Posted at 18:15 on July 6th, 2013 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Mr Creosote
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11537
Actually, I did buy a more expensive joystick once, but that was a couple of years after the end of the Atari VCS era. It was the worst possible decision: It was a 'Quickjoy', a brand known for its bad robustness, but it had a larger base (the standard Quickjoy could only really be used if I used the left hand to hold the base down on the table) and a clock. I guess it was the latter which made it expensive. A completely useless gimmick, of course, and the actual joystick broke after two or three weeks :D

Now you see the violence inherent in the system!

Posted at 17:55 on July 6th, 2013 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Herr M.
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
Really?! Judging from some broken keys and a couple of dead mice, I killed while doing similar tasks, my guess would be have been around five, maybe ten… Well maybe there is something to it, that those games were just created to increase joystick sales.

[color=darkblue][i]The known is finite, the unknown infinite.[/i] - Thomas Henry Huxley[/color]

Posted at 17:49 on July 6th, 2013 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Mr Creosote
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11537
Me, probably two dozen. It didn't help that I didn't learn and kept buying the cheapest ones instead of investing a little bit more once.

Now you see the violence inherent in the system!

Edited by Mr Creosote at 17:54 on July 6th, 2013
Posted at 17:46 on July 6th, 2013 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Herr M.
Deceased Gumby
Posts: 1413
OK, in my whole gaming career I owned just one joystick (which broke while playing space-flight sims btw.) so I have to ask: How bad were games like this really for the controllers? How many joystick did you actually kill this way?

[color=darkblue][i]The known is finite, the unknown infinite.[/i] - Thomas Henry Huxley[/color]

Posted at 07:50 on July 6th, 2013 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Mr Creosote
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11537
Feel free to share anything about The Activision Decathlon (1983) here!

Now you see the violence inherent in the system!

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