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Posted at 20:50 on May 1st, 2007 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Dr Gumby
Posts: 267
Hehe, well actually this is one of the few sites I check back on from time to time.
Lets make this a beefy place
Posted at 08:34 on April 30th, 2007 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11255
Nice to see you're still visiting. I guess it must be the technical wonders which keep you here, because it can hardly be the thought-provoking discussions ;)
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
Posted at 19:26 on April 29th, 2007 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Dr Gumby
Posts: 267
Nice to see that you are still hammering awai at the good old spamboard.
Lets make this a beefy place
Posted at 15:52 on April 29th, 2007 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Reborn Gumby
Posts: 11255
After a final big push, I added the last missing things to this board version and fixed a few minor bugs while I was at it. Since also nothing has been found anymore lately, I feel pretty confident version 4 is now robust enough to be considered stable. So I removed the beta from the version number.

All the back and forth has of course made it clear to everybody that this is still not everything I had aimed at. Here's a small list of what I still consider lacking:
- no flexible rights management (role rights are still hardcoded)
- SQL server has to be smarter or equal MySQL (this rules out SQLite, for example)
- no guarantee for well-formed XML output (which is why I've gone back to serving tag-soup)

The first two could be implemented into this codebase, but the latter would require another complete rewrite. I'm not sure yet if I'll have another go at it. In any case, rest assured, I'll try to fix bugs when and if they're found - don't hesitate to report something!

Concerning user-friendliness and also feature catalogue, I'm very proud to say I consider this version of Spamboard to be more than adaequate compared to the competition. It's already a lot better than certain popular free forum scripts, and while it probably doesn't offer everything the commercial ones deliver, it's still small enough to be managable (140KB archive, out of which 85KB are images). It took its time, but it's become quite a mature, good release :D
Now you see the violence inherent in the system!
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