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Monopoly (1989)

Posted at 13:43 on May 9th, 2018 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
Floppy set catalogued:
ID: 2134
Title: Monopoly
Language: English
Disks: 3.5" DD (720kB) x 1
Protection: ?
Format: Raw (.IMG)
Status: Unverified


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Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.
Posted at 16:33 on May 10th, 2018 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Zombie Gumby
Posts: 3879
Floppy set catalogued:
ID: 2593
Title: Monopoly
Language: English
Disks: 3.5" DD (720kB) x 1
Protection: ?
Format: Raw (.IMG)
Status: Unverified


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Cheer up! Remember the less you have, the more there is to get.
Posted at 19:10 on December 22nd, 2022 | Quote | Edit | Delete
Baby Gumby
Posts: 2
In an 8-player game (7 computer players), the saved MPY file can be hacked to increase CASH on-hand by changing the value of the offsets at 02D6 and 02D7. Keep in mind the hex values will be in reverse order, which I think is standard.

There is a distinction in the game between cash and WEALTH (wealth is greater and includes properties owned).
The combined wealth amount cannot exceed $32,768 so if you do this hack, set the cash to $25,000 or below to prevent overflow. If wealth amount exceeds $32,768 the game will interpret you have much less cash than you think and the results can be disastrous if you land on a hotel owned by a computer player.

Other hint...the computer players will almost exclusively never let you buy a property from them (cash only) that completes a set except in some rare cases if that property they own is mortgaged.
Edited by ssybesma at 19:11 on December 22nd, 2022
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